Full crops from too much grit!


12 Years
Jun 9, 2007
Central Ohio
Hi everyone,

I made a stupid mistake today. One of my chicks was a little sick-looking this afternoon, and I offered some grit in the brooder (they're 4.5 weeks old). Normally I only offer small amounts from my hand, but I set the container down. It had 6-8 ounces of play sand in it. I then stupidly forgot about the container until just now. YIKES! Their crops are all bulging because they ate the entire cup of play sand!! Is this dangerous? I've never seen full crops before...are they going to end up impacted? I don't know if this belongs in the feeding forum or not, but it seems like it should be, so here it is.
Well, I guess they're okay; I went downstairs and they all look normal, moving around, eating, drinking, etc. How can chickens be so darned stressful?

How can they be stressfull?? LOL Well, we get them as day olds, knowing WE are the momma...and a momma would never LET something happen to them, and when we make a mistake, we feel like a bad momma.....even tho we know we are not...stuff happens. Im so glad to hear they are all doing better!

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