fun, quirky, and cute names.

I like Shantilly. Maybe because I'm biased and have a horse named that.

I love the name Wonky lol.
As for your Buffs, I have no clue.
I like that book lol.
Thanks! My mom was teaching me how to candle my eggs and she says "well this is a Wonky one!" So I told her if it hatches that will be his or her name... I even marked the egg so i remembered which one it was.

Also, I bet your horse is a beauty then! We named our filly "Karma". It's especially fitting when our dogs go chasing after her, and we yell "Karma is gonna get you!"
Thanks! My mom was teaching me how to candle my eggs and she says "well this is a Wonky one!" So I told her if it hatches that will be his or her name... I even marked the egg so i remembered which one it was.

Also, I bet your horse is a beauty then! We named our filly "Karma". It's especially fitting when our dogs go chasing after her, and we yell "Karma is gonna get you!"
Haha that's funny!
Haha! I love it. Gorgeous! I have a Donald too. He's 3 days old and I let my little one name it. Donald is the name she picked. ^^

Awww so cute!!!! I just hatched a baby over the weekend, he was born on the 26th day, so he's Hercules!
<---------------and he's been doing this ever since too! LOL
My chickens all have names....... From left to right.....

Ginger, Pootle, Noodle (Rooster), Truffles, shabu, Nugget, Rock (rooster), YoYo,(Rocks Son). Under the basket on her nest is Malibu.
I have Pekins named Daisy,Lacy,Luna,Aflac,Star,Sky,Winter Rose.I have 4 mallards named Allie,Amber,Callie,Nicole. Allie has a poof of feathers on her head and Daisy is a handicaped duck.
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I have Pekins named Daisy,Lacy,Luna,Aflac,Star,Sky,Winter Rose.I have 4 mallards named Allie,Amber,Callie,Nicole. Allie has a poof of feathers on her head and Daisy is a handicaped duck.
how is she Handicapped, if you don't mind my asking? Also, Luna, and Winter Rose are cute names!

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