Funky Duck Feet and Eye Bugs - Pic Heavy

Seeing pictures of this duck breaks my heart. I'm glad that you're trying to help her.

Are you able to bring her to a vet? I know that it's difficult to find a vet that knows a lot about waterfowl and that it might cost more than you want to spend, but this poor duck needs more help than what most people on this forum can offer as advice.

I think my ducks would be terribly lonely as only ducks. I was given my first duck as an only duck. I got him a mate as soon as I could. His personality changed drastically -- he wasn't lonely anymore and was finally truly happy.

Since you seem like a person who really cares about animals, you might ask your friend if you can keep this duck. I'd hate to even think that she could go back to living in such an unhealthy state.

I wish you all the best,
I agree I would not feel good about giving this duck back. She truly does need a friend, even a stuffed animal would be a help and a mirror with safe edges.
I dont' know your full situation at all. Do you live in town? Or out in the country?

If you live in the country and are willing to get 2 more ducks I would. I would buy 2 more hens not drakes. You get eggs from them and they are delicious and great for baking. I also would set up a duck pen and shelter for the ducks with a kiddie pool. I used hay for bedding or shavings work great too. A used dog house works good or whatever for a shelter... you can even fence them in one area so they can't wonder around the yard unless you want them too ( I love seeing our ducks wonder our property but they go in every evening in their coop for bed)

A duck that has lived its life outside with chickens isn't going to want to be a inside duck. She sounds very lonely and confused honestly.

AS for YOUR chickens let them deal with it period. They will get over the duck in a few days don't feel worried about them they will move on and she will become part of their life.

If you can get a few more ducks and make a pen you will make her life better.
I dont' know your full situation at all. Do you live in town? Or out in the country?

If you live in the country and are willing to get 2 more ducks I would. I would buy 2 more hens not drakes. You get eggs from them and they are delicious and great for baking. I also would set up a duck pen and shelter for the ducks with a kiddie pool. I used hay for bedding or shavings work great too. A used dog house works good or whatever for a shelter... you can even fence them in one area so they can't wonder around the yard unless you want them too ( I love seeing our ducks wonder our property but they go in every evening in their coop for bed)

A duck that has lived its life outside with chickens isn't going to want to be a inside duck. She sounds very lonely and confused honestly.

AS for YOUR chickens let them deal with it period. They will get over the duck in a few days don't feel worried about them they will move on and she will become part of their life.

If you can get a few more ducks and make a pen you will make her life better.
I do live in the country and would consider getting another duck or two. Why not, I'm already in love with this duck. Is it possible to purchase adult ducks or do I need to start with ducklings? Anyone got ducks for sale?
I bought a drake yesterday. That seems to have magically fixed the situation. Not only did the duck cheer up, but for some reason the chickens are less afraid of two ducks than they were of one...go figure.
Thank you all so much for your advice! BYCers are the best!
I bought a drake yesterday. That seems to have magically fixed the situation. Not only did the duck cheer up, but for some reason the chickens are less afraid of two ducks than they were of one...go figure.
Thank you all so much for your advice! BYCers are the best!
Great news!!! okay where are the pics?

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