Funnels aren't just good for "Tin-man" hats!


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Central Oklahoma woods
My chicks turned two weeks old a couple of days ago. Their brooder, a 110 gallon water tub, is serving them well. I have the tub/brooder in my woodworking shop where I make my living as an artist. I was busy on the table saw today and happened to glance over at the brooder and saw one tiny black head and orange beak stretching up to check out the world "beyond the black walls".
This little chick had flown up onto the top of the food jar and was examining the world. I've been afraid they were going to fly out of the brooder for the past couple of days as they've been checking out their "flying equipment" and stretching their wings, but this really caught my attention. So I walked over and she flew down. I went back to work. It wasn't two minutes later and there she was, peeking over the top again.

The solution to keeping her off the tops of the jars was to tape small plastic funnels onto the tops so she's no place to land. It works.
However, I didn't much care for the stare she gave me after noting the change in things!

Aren't chicks fun?
Yep i fully agree with person who posted before me. Mine did that at 4 weeks of age. They started flying on top of of their feeders and waterers and then flew out on the edge of their 50 gal. storage bin.
Well, I'm planning on trying to control their "travels" for just a little while with a black plastic netting in a frame laid over the top. It's been recommended I keep them in the brooder for approx 4 weeks before moving them to the coop. My coop is fully protected from predators and is 4' x 7', so they'll have more space than in the brooder. I plan on keeping them in there for a few more weeks before allowing them to "walk the plank" to their new run...............which is 7' x 20'. (not that I'm trying to control their little lives or anything!)
LOL! mine started landing in my paint box, so i made a frame with that netting and gave them a mini run in the studio... should have seen their feet!

Running around my shop would be my greatest fear. Heck, it's not safe for ME to run around it, much less a bunch of scared chicks. I'll get a top on the brooder tomorrow..............for sure!

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