funny story but i got some scovies

Tell us about your scovies!
i took them up to my pond and let them swim and couldnt catch them again so idk how im gonna get them when the time comes to clip there wings i was worried about them not having any shelter from predators and stuff but they seem to see fine in the dark and get into the water pretty fast(tried to catch them at night and jumped in before i even got close) and i put a solar light up on the bank that changes color since ive heard red scares off predators but they are doing pretty good and my mom will like them better cuz they are staying up at the pond where our pekins and mallard think they are chickens and stay on or near the porch
I really like your dads line of thinking, " don't tell her and she won't notice"
I will tell my hubby I want more of "these or those" and he will say "like you need any more" and I say " I will just add them to everyone else in the yard and you will never know they are there"

This of course is all in joking fashion, as long as he doesn't have to do chores he doesn't care what I have, as long as it's not a horse. Sometimes I don't think he really realizes just how many chickens there are, but then one day he says so how many chicks do you have now, I said ummmm I don't know, so he started to count them, then says Holy crap!! you have 59 chicks!!!
I was like, Are you sure you didn't count some twice?

Glad you got some ducklings in the end

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