Funny story


Aug 28, 2018
Had a guy came to pick up hatching eggs tonight, supposed to be here by 8 pm but showed up at 9:30. Upon arrival he took out his iPhone, turned on the flashlight and said “mind if I check the eggs?” Confused, but I didn’t mind so I said “sure go ahead!”

Guy then shined the flashlight on the eggs for a few minutes (note: NOT candling, at least not how you’re supposed to do it) and asked his young kid “how do you like it?” Kid responded “I don’t know about this one” then the guy said “yea the shells can be thick, but it looks good to me”.

At the time I had No clue what was going on but didn’t really care, and was standing 6 ft apart following physical distancing. Then they left.

Ten minutes later I received a text from the guy “hey just wondering when were the eggs laid and the expected hatch date, so I know when to expect them”


Everything clicked...The entire time they were “candling” the eggs.

Where do you even start explaining to someone like that? I have a hatching guide that I give with hatching eggs and a basic care sheet that I give with birds, but I don't think that would have helped them.
Had a guy came to pick up hatching eggs tonight, supposed to be here by 8 pm but showed up at 9:30. Upon arrival he took out his iPhone, turned on the flashlight and said “mind if I check the eggs?” Confused, but I didn’t mind so I said “sure go ahead!”

Guy then shined the flashlight on the eggs for a few minutes (note: NOT candling, at least not how you’re supposed to do it) and asked his young kid “how do you like it?” Kid responded “I don’t know about this one” then the guy said “yea the shells can be thick, but it looks good to me”.

At the time I had No clue what was going on but didn’t really care, and was standing 6 ft apart following physical distancing. Then they left.

Ten minutes later I received a text from the guy “hey just wondering when were the eggs laid and the expected hatch date, so I know when to expect them”


Everything clicked...The entire time they were “candling” the eggs.
Pfffft! That's just silly. EVERYONE knows you have to bounce up and down on one foot while you shine the light, and hum the first three verses of the 'chicky-chick song'! No wonder he couldn't see anything!! :rolleyes:
If I had a customer show up 1.5 hours late, I wouldn't answer the door. I wish people would research before buying animals. I go through this all the time when selling rabbits; seems to be no limit on the level of stupidity🤦‍♀️
I researched quail for months before I got my first hatching eggs. I researched for weeks before I got my chinchillas. You need to know how to take care of a creature before you commit to taking one in. Also, you want to know if it's something you even want! I started my research with chickens, but decided they weren't for me before I got any.
I researched quail for months before I got my first hatching eggs. I researched for weeks before I got my chinchillas. You need to know how to take care of a creature before you commit to taking one in. Also, you want to know if it's something you even want! I started my research with chickens, but decided they weren't for me before I got any.

:yesss: That's so true. Too many people get animals without researching, or sometimes when they do 'research', they only listen to what they want to hear. I researched for about a year before I got quails (Maybe a little overkill :D). There's been plenty of animals that I've wanted but decided they weren't for me. For example, partridges. I wanted to get some, but found out that they were really aggressive and they kill each other, so I didn't get them (I got bobwhites and california quails instead).

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