Funny things kids Say!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 11, 2012
A couple days ago my son Carter (who is 3) was sitting at the table eating a yogurt and let out a little toot.
My husband- What was that! *jokingly*
Carter-*dead seriously*- It was a cat he said meow.
My husband- Oh yeah? thats a funny sounding cat.
Carter- Yeah he is a brown cat, you cant pet him.


I'm totally stealing that, lol!
Little Robert has said several things make our milk come out our nose but the best BY FAR was this:

He begged for dinner, Sara and Ronnie made it, he refused to eat so he was sent to bed early. The next morning:

Ronnie: "Are we going to have a better day today?"

Robert: "Are we gonna have better food?"

I have a teen daughter learning to drive and it's lead to some REALLY funny statements, both from her and my younger daughter.

First time youngest rode in the car when her sister was driving. After we arrived, A said "I think she did an excellent job! I'm proud of her." I said "why?" "Well, we're all still alive."

Another time of A riding in the car, she wanted to know why she couldn't ride in the front seat while her sister was driving. I told her that I had to ride in the passenger seat. "Why?"
Eldest popped up with "Someone has to scream 'OMG what are you doing?????"
i always fix my husband sandwiches for lunch when he comes home early he give the sandwiches to the kids

one day he came home early and asked guy (5 years old) do you want my sandwiches
guy says nope
sam says well if you ate them you was going to get a snack cake
guy says ok i will eat the sandwiches
sam says oh no too late now, you shoul dhave said yes the first time
guy says well you didnt ask me correctly...your suppsoe to say you want a sandwich and a snack cake
my child started talking at 2 at 3 yrs old She said a relly bad word the (f***) word.I ask her were she got it from she said i got it from sisy im like you dont have a sister she said the kitty told me it i told her we dont have a cat she said im sorry dady <3 DADY DID IT
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Tanya (the mom)
Paige (5 year old)

Paige: Mommy, are you going to have another baby???
Tanya: No, why honey?
Paige: Cause your tummy is big like when you had a baby.
Tanya: No, no more babies for mommy.

A couple days ago my son Carter (who is 3) was sitting at the table eating a yogurt and let out a little toot.
My husband- What was that! *jokingly*
Carter-*dead seriously*- It was a cat he said meow.
My husband- Oh yeah? thats a funny sounding cat.
Carter- Yeah he is a brown cat, you cant pet him.



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