Future thinking of being an organic chicken farmer :) Need help in deciding

Have you considered Dominiques? They are a dual-purpose heritage breed with small rose combs and not a lot of fancy extras. They lay a large brown egg. I have 3 in my flock and they lay almost every day - better than my ameraucanas, and are a much denser/meatier bird. They are also pretty smart about foraging and the first in my flock to figure out new puzzles - like when I move the entrance to the coop or make some other change. Oh and they are auto-sexing.

I'm in Canada so we can get extremes at both ends of the temperature spectrum.
I've had my Ameraucanas for just over a year now & I've noted a few things:

- They started laying 12/17/16 in -22F weather & didn't stop all winter - roughly 6 eggs/hen/week (we had to check for eggs every hour because they froze within 10 minutes)except for 2 who only started laying this spring & only about 1 every 3 days. Our coop is unheated, but it is insulated. They all did well.
- They lay all day long, so we're checking for eggs throughout the day. We've had them @ 6:00 a.m through to the latest this June @ 8:00 p.m.
- Whenever we get a hot day, eggs drop by about 1/2 the # the next day (we do run a fan in the coop)
- Maybe because this summer has been so wonky, but they seem to be doing a very long, slow molt which has also played havoc with eggs.
- I have 3 hens in this group who go "pretend broody" then leave the nest at the end of the day. They are part of my most reliable layers , even in the heat - We'll see what happens next year
- I've 9 grandchildren who visit regularly (Ages between 7 & 1). The craziness associated doesn't seem to affect the hens either way. They remain friendly, curious & put up with them all, nor does it seem to affect egg production.
- They learn quickly. We have a huge dog - imagine a a full sized Great Dane with a black coat similar to a golden retriever. They know him, & when they hear a certain bark from him, they all run into the coop screaming warnings to each other all the while. We lost one hen to the neighbour's dog & our dog lets out that bark whenever she comes nosing about.

How do the Dominiques do in summer? Because of the summer slow down, I was considering adding some in. I would also love to know how Buckeyes deal with summer
I'm in Canada so we can get extremes at both ends of the temperature spectrum.

How do the Dominiques do in summer? Because of the summer slow down, I was considering adding some in. I would also love to know how Buckeyes deal with summer

My Dominiques began laying in January at 5 months of age and continued to lay all winter and spring. They did temporarily take a break during a week long heatwave in the summer (High 90's for a week straight with no nighttime cool-down), but so did my Ameraucanas. They are back on track now. Typically I get an egg from the Dominiques every day. Occasionally one will skip a day. Mine have never gone broody.

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