fuzzi's Chicken Journal

I really dislike that h-word. 😳


But the price we pay for our lovely, mild winters and extended spring and fall weather. 🤷‍♀️

Addendum: confirmed by staff at Herpsofnc.org as a Rat snake.

What a beautiful snake!

I'm afraid that the ones around here have actually burrowed UNDER the 18" of wire apron. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Possibly following the tracks of decaying tree roots since there had been trees taken down in that area when we cleared for our house.
I thought I had a hen laying a soft shelled egg. I kept finding yolk in the nest. Never found shell but my hens will eat them. Then we caught the big snake in the nest box. I always tell folks not to stick their hands in a dark nest box. Always look first!
They can find the smallest hole???
It is possible it's the same snake you photographed. Have you seen any evidence of mice? Droppings in the feed bucket or around the waterers?
I had a huge black rat snake a few years ago. He was as big around as my arm and close to 6 ft long. Glad he was only after eggs. Hubby removed him from inside the coop. He had a nasty attitude and wanted to bite. Never seen one act like that. Added additional hardware cloth after that.
Last year a black racer crawled on top and got tangled in netting.
Sometimes it is difficult to find where they enter. Check the apron. Mine is buried.
I removed this one myself, carefully. I could tell it wasn't venomous, so I grabbed it by the end of its tail and started to pull. It reacted by wrapping itself several times around the wheelbarrow handle. I thought "Oh, no you don't!" and slid it off the handle ;) then walked it out of the coop, dropping it into one of my little garden carts so I could photograph it. It got out of the cart and went under the trash can but not fast enough. I grabbed it again, and walked down the driveway towards the road. Close to the road it acted as if it was going to turn and bite my hand, so I released it. Back into the woods it went. I probably only moved it 100' feet but it's better than killing it. I don't kill without good cause.
Reached into one of the nesting boxes this morning, checking for eggs. There was something soft instead of straw inside, and I heard a small cluck of surprise.


I checked back later and she was still there, eyes closed. She looked as if she were napping.

How long does it take a hen to lay an egg? :confused:
Got the lumber for my shade cloth project. They had some in bundles of 12, so I bought a bundle instead of 6 or so.

And in the far corner of the Lowe's parking lot I saw a piece of something like siding just lying there by the exit. I threw it in the back of the truck and brought it home. I anticipate it may be useful.


Then my daughter called, which is a once-in-a-blue-moon event, so I didn't get back to the project. I think I will instead try to scrounge up the carriage bolts and/or nuts & bolts needed, and plan on working on the project tomorrow afternoon.
Reached into one of the nesting boxes this morning, checking for eggs. There was something soft instead of straw inside, and I heard a small cluck of surprise.

View attachment 3613955

I checked back later and she was still there, eyes closed. She looked as if she were napping.

How long does it take a hen to lay an egg? :confused:
She probably was napping! 🤣
Find a comfy soft spot, it's relatively quiet and no one is bothering them right at the moment...perfect time for a nap!

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