Fw: deadly strain of virus its here.... :>(

What does washing your hands do after going to the bathroom? lol I say, Don't pee on your hands. I wonder what country you live in with billions of people.

because the swine flu is contracted by either contact with someone who has it or by touching something that an infected person has touched
What does washing your hands do after going to the bathroom? lol I say, Don't pee on your hands. I wonder what country you live in with billions of people.

Well, it's normally smart to take advantage of a chance to wash your hands whether you actually "use" the bathroom or just go inside to admire yourself in the mirror. I'm sure that prior to entering the bathroom that you've probably touched several doorknobs, chair arms, pens, cans of soup at the grocery store, taken change from a cashier, shaken someone's hand, etc.,. We used to have a large automotive battery business...we washed our hands *before* and after using the bathroom.

Billions of people??? Well, where I come from when I go to Montgomery it seems like BILLIONS to me. Atlanta is a different story....there must be GAZILLIONS of people there, really freaks this old countryboy out. But really, the number of deaths attributed to the flu is rather small compared to the three hundred million or so folks living here.

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I have lived through two global pandemics that "could become the next Spanish flu". SARS and the bird flu to be exact. I was in Asia at the outbreak of both and both fizzled among speculation of becoming the next big, worldwide killer flu. It's the CDC's job to prepare for potential disease outbreaks and take preventive measures. However, there is so much fear-mongering by the news media that it becomes counter-productive. As of the past couple days, the swine flu is taking over Britain. Haven't you heard? It's spreading like wildfire and the number of deaths is increasing! Well, they aren't going to decrease. What the sensationalistic headlines leave out is that ALL of the people in Britain that died had underlying medical conditions.

If you think you have the swine flu, go see a doctor. If you don't want to see a doctor, stay home so you don't pass it on.
Unless you have a urinary tract infection, I'd rather get contaminated with your pee than what is on your hands, as urine is sterile. What is on your skin is probably some varieties of staph I don't have and quite likely some e.coli, just to mention a couple. Plus whatever was left on the doorknob, etc. by the last 1000 people in there.

Please, wash your hands.
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This flu, or any flu, poses little more risk than a cold to a person with a healthy immune system. Throw it at a child, an elderly person, or someone who is fighting cancer or some other illness, and it becomes deadly. Most accounts of deaths include sentences like this:
New York City health officials say at least 16 of the people who have died had other health conditions.

As for me, I commute by bus 35 miles each way and work on a busy college campus. Each one is a petri dish for any illness - colds, flu, etc. I'd rather get an immunization and avoid getting sick at all rather than stay home and watch crappy TV for a couple of days.

I refuse to succomb to fear mongering.
well I can say only this. There is NO WAY either my DS or I will be getting any vaccines for the flu I don't trust them and would rather take my chances. My ds is very healthy and I may re-evaluate later but I dont think that he would be killed by a flu his immune system is good, and at first signs of sickness I react so I don't think it would get far enough to become life threatening.

Maybe I am being naive but I don't trust the mercury and other chemicals in them, and I certainly do not trust the pharmaceutical companies or our Government or the lobbyist for the pharmaceutical companies that try to make unnecessary vaccines mandatory such as Chicken Pox, Hep. A, and HPV.
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See now ya gotta get technical (spelled right?) there are billions of people ok, give or take a few million.

As for using the restroom, ladies who read this have never seen the men who go into the restroom and then don't wash their hands. Yuk poo!
And of course I know that, "smart men wash their hands after peeing, smarter men don't pee on their hands".

It's been said "cleanliness is next to Godliness". I say "uncleanliness will get you there faster".

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