Ga Chicken Mom, Thank You!!!

My pleasure entirerly, Cyn. I got really lucky to get such a beautiful boy. Gabe crowed for awhile because he's in the basement by himself - poor guy. I keep telling him once out of solitary he's in for a big surprise with 9 lovely girls all his own. Gabe has a great cock-a-doodle-doo. Of course we can all appreciate roos calling unless its 4:00 AM.
Hey, some mornings I could use an extra alarm at 4 a.m.-That's milking time here!
I am sooooo relieved!

I had almost talked myself into coming up to get him, and I need a 4th rooster like I need another hole in my head.

Besides, I had just found homes for the 3 boys I hatched out Jan. 6th.

2 went home with BYC member vicmower, and 1 went home with a coworker of mine.
Dont worry, Lee! There's a few more where Gabe came from, buddy.
Don't you need a beautiful Blue Orpington rooster? I have three of those in different shades of blue, about 9 weeks old.
Barbara, the darker you can make it for Gabe at night, the better, I think. He's still a teenager, trying out that nice new voice of his, so he may crow more than he will later. Then again, maybe not. We have so many roosters around me that he was always hearing them and answering back. Since you don't, he may calm down a bit.

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