gagging chicken


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 2, 2007
salt lake city, Ut
my 3 1/2 year old sexlink chicken looks like she's trying to gag up something. I picked her up because she layed down and looked like she couldn't move. I ran her into the house and she threw up, then she acted like she felt better but now is gagging ever few seconds.
She hasn't looked good in a couple of months but I've been thinking she was moulting. That may or may not be related to what's going on now. She looks like she has an egg in her chest ready to come out and she's just doing this gag thing. She is up and walking around but I'm thinking maybe she has something stuck somewhere that's preventing her from laying that egg and causing her to be full gag on anything she eats or drinks. Help me. What should I do. She's always been one of my most affectionate chickens and I'd be heartbroken if something happens to her. Help!
Sounds like she may have an impacted crop. I don't know the specifics of dealing with this problem, but a quick search through the archives should yield some results. Good luck. I hope an expert chimes in soon.
ok, so I gave hre some oil.. (I cut the end off a fish oil capsule made for humans) and dropped it, drop by drop in her beak. Her crop is large, the size of a large lemon, but not hard at all. My husband described it as so soft it might be air or gas. When I took her back outside I set her down in the lawn and she just stood there. She didn't walk or eat or anything. I picked her back up to bring her inside to give her some water and once I got her inside (of course she waits til we're inside) she threw up on me four times. The stuff coming out is dull dark yellow, about the same color as the fish oil capsule but there was much more than that. I've isolated her from the flock in an old parrot cage and will leave her there for the night. What else should I do?
She's got what sounds like to me a sinous infection and when she has fliud in her crop such as water and the mucus is draing into her crop it causes her to vomit.... Emptey her out by fiping her up side down and supporting her with one hand on her crop compressing it and holding her neck stright down and she will vomit EVERYTHING . Put her on light antibioics and electrolights in the water... give fliuds sparingly she will get much better very quicky this way... I had a hen with fluids in the crop and this worked fine.. Sending good (((vibes))) oh and a BUMP
Thanks so much for your help. I got her to throw up until her crop felt completely empty. At one point I thought it felt empty and then she let me have it again. The stuff was dark green and super smelly. Either that or I have a week stomach when it comes to chicken vomit. I put antibiotics in her water. Is this something I need to treat the entire flock for? Is making her vomit just once ok or should I do it a couple more times just to be sure? How do I know if I got it all out.

I'm just going to throw that apron out. I can't even pretend to wash it. It just grossed me out but you'll do just about anything for the love of a chicken.
I just checked on her and she's drinking and alert. She seemed to want to get out with the other hens and pick at the grass. I'm still keeping her isolated until I know more. Please let me know if I should treat all the girls with the antibiotics. Thanks again.
I still need more help. Please let me know if I should treat all the girls with the antibiotics. Is making her vomit just once ok or should I do it a couple more times just to be sure? How do I know if I got it all out. Do I put the electrolights in with the antibiotics or do I let her do antibiotics alone and then electrolights?
First i want to thank Chickengal505.
I was able to get her to vomit but I still have questions. Is this something I need to treat the entire flock for? Should I make the sick girl vomit again if her crop still seems large? Do I put the antibiotics and electrolights together in the water? Should I keep her away from food or let her eat her normal diet? Are there any kinds of treats that might be better for her to have? Any idea what I did to cause this?

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