~Gallop with Wild Horses!!~ Wild Horse Herds RP (Needs Players!!!) **RESTARTED**

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Once it was all over, Suha galloped off into the darkness, presumably back to her herd. She said nothing to him. No thanking, no goodbyes, no nuzzles, no nothing. It was all very odd.
Spirit ran after her,whinniing all the way. "Suha! Come back!" He had assumed she would stay in his herd. She was now his mate and he wanted her to be close to him.
Suha gasped, having already feared that she'd be followed home. She quickened her pace.
Spirit took a round about way to get in front of her. He sped up then stopped when he was right in her path.

"I'm right here, and I'll stay here!"
Ice didn't reply and soon there was a little cremmello foal on the grass. She thought that she would be done but then she felt another contraction ripple through her body. The next one was going to be a large foal!

Rose ran over and started to lick it. After a few expert stoke. She stopped and looked at the other herd mates and pinned back her ears. "Are you all going to stand there gawking? Get her some moss soaked in water when she wakes up! Somebody come help me lick the next foal." Rose then turned to Pheonix,ears still pinned. "And if you DON'T stay with that poor girl I will personally rip you limb from limb!"
Sheridan went into a contraction. She whinnied in pain.... within minutes a stillborn foal lay beside her... it looked exactly like Comanche. She knew it was dead but licked it anyway..tears rolling down her cheek.
Sheridan went into a contraction. She whinnied in pain.... within minutes a stillborn foal lay beside her... it looked exactly like Comanche. She knew it was dead but licked it anyway..tears rolling down her cheek.
Feliz licked her cheek. "Sheridan! I'm so sorry! I think this is somehow my fualt,I shouldn't have stressed you out so much.Why does it look like Comanche?"

The mare snorted and skidded to a sharp halt, pulling her ears back into a pin. She scrambled off to the left of him at a swift gallop.
Spirit ran after her and cut her off again. "What are you doing? Arn't you going to stay with me?" He stood in front of her,demandding an answer.
Feliz licked her cheek. "Sheridan! I'm so sorry! I think this is somehow my fualt,I shouldn't have stressed you out so much.Why does it look like Comanche?"

(Ahhhh! Sorry I meant Phoenix...)

"Its not your fault.. it's my fault, I must have done something wrong..."
Spirit ran after her and cut her off again. "What are you doing? Arn't you going to stay with me?" He stood in front of her,demandding an answer.
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