~Gallop with Wild Horses!!~ Wild Horse Herds RP (Needs Players!!!) **RESTARTED**

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(Okay clucks. Please listen to what I'm saying. I've tried so hard to be your friend and I feel like my apologizes mean nothing to you. I've tried to RP and talk to you but I'm completely over looked. Why would I go through so much trouble to be your friend if I didn't care? Please just accept my apologizes and have a truce with me. It would be the best for everyone. Please. I hope you understand and will accept this. I'm sorry if I have offended you in anyway and I would like for you to accept my honest apology. Your a fun person. Please just accept my sorries so this feud will stop. Thanks. And could you please reply so I know you saw this? Sorry everyone this is a long post.)
( You might want to send messages like this via PM. )
Analiya heard Titan, but apparently, his shout went in one slender ear and out the other. Flicking her tail nervously, she whinnied a tentative greeting to Dour.

Dour simply stood, staring. He'd never had a filly approach him; he usually had to approach and sometimes chase them.
(keeping mine up front)
Feliz got up from the tree and gave a bugling whinny. "Hello?" he asked.

Feliz looked at her. "That's not the problem! You don't trust me! When I was a colt I had to practically raise all the foals in my herd! I know lots about foals! I'm not mad at you,you are mad at ME!" He looked at her softer. "I love you Luna! Why don't you see that?" he asked tenderly.

(Wait! Don't timeskip yet! We are working things out beetween Feliz and Luna!)

Zayla trotted over to the stallion Sky came up behind her Laila remained with the foals.

"Hello!" Zayla said smiling. Sky nickered
(Thank you!
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