~Gallop with Wild Horses!!~ Wild Horse Herds RP (Needs Players!!!) **RESTARTED**

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Analiya resisted, even though Titan was stronger. "Who is he?" she called out, "Who are you?"

Dour was wondering who she was. Then, it came to him; this was Dusky's yearling. "I'm your sire!" he answered with a bitter laugh. "He stole your dam from me!"

Analiya, smaller than Titan, ducked under his neck. She ran at Dour, eager to meet her sire; she'd always thought Titan was it.
But Titan blocked her way with one quick yank of his neck, and nudged the filly back.

Annalise whinnied, waiting for Dour to come to her. She had felt a weird sense of vulnerability without her stud around.
But Titan blocked her way with one quick yank of his neck, and nudged the filly back.

Annalise whinnied, waiting for Dour to come to her. She had felt a weird sense of vulnerability without her stud around.
"Can I at least know your name?" Analiya asked, stealing another glance back. She'd heard Black Ice, Dusky and Titan all talk about a 'Dour'. Was this him? Maybe I should pay more attention to things.

"I'm Dour." With that, the grullo stud turned and galloped away; he'd heard Annalise and remembered she had no other herdmates to help keep watch.
(forgot I had Flare in here)

Unnoticed in Desert Herd, Flare had left it. With no boss mare to listen to, the Arabian felt free. Going it alone was also scary, but this intoxicating sense of freedom overpowered fear.

Excited, the mare bucked and kicked, whinnying her glee.
(lookit! Crazy Arabian!)
( I'm sorry your being ignored. I really am.
(Silkie im sorry to sound rude but if your just going to hang around here to bother or "talk" to Clucks and have no intention of role playing anymore then i think you should leave because Clucks isnt going to reply and thats that. You should not just hang around on a Role Play thread just to talk to some one.)

( Thank you. )
(do you people know how much OOC stuff is having to be filtered through to find the actual replies?)

(this what i'm doing now, is OOC and it'll take up room)

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