~Gallop with Wild Horses!!~ Wild Horse Herds RP (Needs Players!!!) **RESTARTED**

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Arwen and Eowyn stayed close to Titan
(i thought they left with the rest of the herd when he told them to leave)

Dusky turned around after noticing two missing mares. Finding Arwen and Eowyn around Titan, Analiya and Dour, she whinnied to them. "He told us to leave! Move it!"
(i thought that was reply!) at least use these ()

(lol I was being weird
Lola's gonna some how wander over there so I'm not alone.)
Lola heard mares talking. She was a curious young filly and went to check it out. "C'mon Logan!" She called to him.
(i thought they left with the rest of the herd when he told them to leave)

Dusky turned around after noticing two missing mares. Finding Arwen and Eowyn around Titan, Analiya and Dour, she whinnied to them. "He told us to leave! Move it!"
(They returned when he started yelling at Analise) The twins ran faster, pulling ahead of Titan
(They returned when he started yelling at Analise) The twins ran faster, pulling ahead of Titan
(he's yelling at Analiya)

Dusky simply watched the twins. She knew what disobeying Titan could lead to; that stud had a temper, much like hers, maybe worse.

Rhia, Dusky's newborn, approached from behind, moving in to nurse.
(he's yelling at Analiya)

Dusky simply watched the twins. She knew what disobeying Titan could lead to; that stud had a temper, much like hers, maybe worse.

Rhia, Dusky's newborn, approached from behind, moving in to nurse.
(Sorry for the misspell) They quickly caught up to the herd, stopping when they reached it

(I gtg)
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