~Gallop with Wild Horses!!~ Wild Horse Herds RP (Needs Players!!!) **RESTARTED**

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Cinders, having gotten bored when Titan and Ash kept on talking, had wandered a ways off. Her dam, busy dealing with the stud, hadn't noticed her yearling's absence. In a playful mood, the grullo filly bucked and whinnied happily.
There was a large figure off in the horizon, overlooking Titan and his mares. A slightly smaller one grazed off to its side.

Titan raised his head, unfamiliar smells and feelings washing over him.
He whinnied to Ash. "Get Cinders and yourself back to the herd! We're being watched!"
Titan began to nudge her towards his other mares, all while keeping watch on the two figures in the distance.
"I must've hit a nerve. I take it you have issues with Dusky," Ash said. She squirmed and circled around Titan. "You're not giving me a good enough reason to want to return."

Cinders, finally catching up when the two stopped, stood and gasped, her sides heaving.


Dour snorted. Normally, he would want to try snaking Luna away and mate with her. Right now, despite his instincts, he didn't care. "I'm looking a nursing mare. I don't have a big herd, and she's...not...forget it!"

The grullo stud resumed walking. He needed a lactating mare, but not one that was in a herd. What were his chances of finding a loner broodmare? He didn't know.

"Just get back there!" He said, his voice bordering a snap. "There's something watching us!"


"Hey! Don't go. I have milk. Just take me to your mare before my stallion gets back. He's a dope, anyways."
"Just get back there!" He said, his voice bordering a snap. "There's something watching us!"


"Hey! Don't go. I have milk. Just take me to your mare before my stallion gets back. He's a dope, anyways."
Ash bucked in fear at Titan's sudden aggression, but she did as he said. Or she was going to just as soon as she found Cinders. While she wasn't looking, the yearling had wandered off. Taking off at a canter, she whinnied for her lost filly. "Cinders! Cinders, where are you?"

Back at the herd, Dusky was standing on one of Titan's look-out hills and was whinnying loudly. The blue roan was trying to draw the stallion back; she didn't like being watched without the assurance of Titan's presence.


Dour stopped and looked back at Luna. Her offer was tempting, and he was considering it. He had no intention of causing another fight with another stallion, not for a long while, anyway. Still, he didn't want to leave Annalise by herself any longer than he had to. Turning, he headed back toward his mate. "Alright. Come with me." Dour ground his teeth then added. "Please."
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