~Gallop with Wild Horses!!~ Wild Horse Herds RP (Needs Players!!!) **RESTARTED**

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(sorry. Titan never goes unnoticed by Dour, especially when he's intruding)
Analiya just stared at the scene, awestruck. She'd always had the impression Dusky loved her sire. It didn't look like it now.

Ash, drawn by the commotion, appeared behind Analiya. "What's happening?" Cinders peeked out from behind her dam. "What is it?"

Dusky stood, panting, glad for the break. Dour stood stark-still and stared, glared rather, at Titan's mares, some of which were his former mares AND his offspring.
Titan didn't force her to move. He simply watched the scene unfold.
Titan didn't force her to move. He simply watched the scene unfold.
Cinders inched her way around Ash, having to squeeze herself through as Ash was nearly pressed against Titan. She spotted the grullo stud and stared. He looked remarkably like her...and Analiya.

Dour heard Sugar and looked at her. He said nothing, but his expression screamed 'do I look alright!?' Turning, his gaze fell on Cinders, and a crooked smile crossed his muzzle. "I see not all of my fillies are not your broodmares, Titan."

Dusky, Ash and Analiya had yet to move; all three simply stared at the studs.
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