~Gallop with Wild Horses!!~ Wild Horse Herds RP (Needs Players!!!) **RESTARTED**

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Dour counted heads again, and once again, he came up short. Annalise was gone! "Aurora, watch the herd!"

Dour took off at a frenzied gallop.
Aurora nodded again, looking around (Strangely familiare to last 'year' right before the foals were run off)
"Of course dear! But where do you come from?" Mahogany asked.
Relieved to talk to someone, Mycenae nickered in gratitude. "Well, I used to live on a breeding farm. Somewhere. I'm not sure what the humans call it, or even what we do. It was secluded. My brother and I lived there - I don't know who my parents were - until one day, last week I'd guess, we were auctioned off! At that stupid auction, everything was so loud. It excited me and just - ugh! I don't know what happened, but I must've looked pretty unappealing. No one had even so much as bid on me come closing time. Then, this weird mad tried to halter me and bring me into some rickety old trailer. Like, no! Excuse me, but that is not safe. I was not going in there! So I reared, and he tried to hit me with the lead, but I took off somehow. I just ran and ran, somehow escaping, until I found this place. The desert just calmed me. I felt at home here." Mycenae let out a breath. "Sorry, I'm a talker! And what's your name?"
Violet started making her way back to Dour's herd. She limped along, bruised and beaten, but confident.
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