~Gallop with Wild Horses!!~ Wild Horse Herds RP (Needs Players!!!) **RESTARTED**

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( Can't. Type. Laughing. Too. Hard. )

Hazel was not one to give up. With her filly by her side, she pushed one mare back and trotted by Dour's side. "You do have a head!" She exclaimed, a pressed smile dancing across her muzzle. "And quite the handsome one, at that."
Dour performed one spectacular leap-straight-up-and-backwards maneuver when Hazel appeared in his line-of-vision. Landing, he snorted, his tail lashing. Still, he didn't speak.

(this whole thing's messed-up, but funny. the mare doesn't usually chase the stallion)
( Can't. Type. Laughing. Too. Hard. )

Hazel was not one to give up. With her filly by her side, she pushed one mare back and trotted by Dour's side. "You do have a head!" She exclaimed, a pressed smile dancing across her muzzle. "And quite the handsome one, at that."

Dour performed one spectacular leap-straight-up-and-backwards maneuver when Hazel appeared in his line-of-vision. Landing, he snorted, his tail lashing. Still, he didn't speak.

(this whole thing's messed-up, but funny. the mare doesn't usually chase the stallion)
"You're one hilarious stallion," she said, pressing down the smile that kept threatening to appear, wide and bright, across her muzzle.
Titan's eyes swept over Dusky and to Black Ice. "You're itching to mate, too?"
"It kinda happens, Titan. Yes, I and probably Ash, Analiya and Black Ice are ready to mate again," Dusky said. "You're busy, so I'll wait." Dusky was afraid she'd go flouncing off again should her readiness peak again.

Black Ice didn't say a word, and neither did Analiya, standing beside her.

Ash, however, whinnied spitefully. "I'm itching to mate, but maybe not with you!"
"You're one hilarious stallion," she said, pressing down the smile that kept threatening to appear, wide and bright, across her muzzle.
Dour was ready to bite his tail off if he could reach it. Persistent mares and instincts were hard to suppress. Breaking away, he broke into a gallop, whinnying for his herd to do the same.
Titan's eyes swept over Dusky and to Black Ice. "You're itching to mate, too?"

"It kinda happens, Titan. Yes, I and probably Ash, Analiya and Black Ice are ready to mate again," Dusky said. "You're busy, so I'll wait." Dusky was afraid she'd go flouncing off again should her readiness peak again.

Black Ice didn't say a word, and neither did Analiya, standing beside her.

Ash, however, whinnied spitefully. "I'm itching to mate, but maybe not with you!"
"Nah," he grumbled. "Lookit. The coward ain't makin' a move." He moved to Dusky, and, wasting no time, reared and mounted her.
"You're one hilarious stallion," she said, pressing down the smile that kept threatening to appear, wide and bright, across her muzzle.

Dour was ready to bite his tail off if he could reach it. Persistent mares and instincts were hard to suppress. Breaking away, he broke into a gallop, whinnying for his herd to do the same.
Annalise looked back, but kept the herd at a trot.
"Nah," he grumbled. "Lookit. The coward ain't makin' a move." He moved to Dusky, and, wasting no time, reared and mounted her.
Dusky smiled inwardly and stood still. Though she couldn't help those instances when her brain told her to wander, to get away, she had grown to love her position as Titan's favorite. "I do love you, Titan," she whispered.

Black Ice grew skittish. She loved Titan, but she didn't love his tactic of skipping the flirting and going straight to the mounting. She just knew she was next.

Ash, standing off to herself, knew if Titan tried again, she would buck him to the sky.

Analiya was just waiting patiently. Dusky had shown the younger mare where her place was.
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