~Gallop with Wild Horses!!~ Wild Horse Herds RP (Needs Players!!!) **RPing can begin!**

Quote: "You two be good," whispered Dalyla. "I'm going to go now." Ondine nodded as she tended to the newest addition to MarshHerd, gently kneading his withers with her teeth as she continued to nicker.

The young stud laughed, eventually speeding up to brush the tip of Sierra's tail with his upper lip.
"You two be good," whispered Dalyla. "I'm going to go now." Ondine nodded as she tended to the newest addition to MarshHerd, gently kneading his withers with her teeth as she continued to nicker.

The young stud laughed, eventually speeding up to brush the tip of Sierra's tail with his upper lip.
Gypsy smiled, and turned away, looking towards the heart of MarshHerd.

Sierra lashed her tail, looking over her shoulder grinning. She veered right, and bucked wildly around, uttering happy snorts.
Sabina began to wade down into the deeper waters, paddling closer and closer to the foreign mare. She could have sworn she had seen strange movement in the area, but for the most part had shrugged it off.
ETA: I realized I hadn't read your post correctly, sorry! I'm re-writing it...

Seeing the mare coming towards her, Nadaria very slowly stepped back into the shadows. Suddenly, she tripped over a root and whinnied in surprise.
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(Hey guys; it's me, Hannah. I don't know if SilkiesForEver has already told you, but she isn't going to be on at all today due to reasons that I am not going to reveal for her own privacy, but, long story short, she will be on sometime tomorrow. Just thought I'd let you know.)
(I will be gone for a while! UGGGHHH!

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