Game Roosters any good for eating? Have a bad one...

We were given a game rooster and he is trying to kill our flock's 'King' who's a 1 year old New Hampshire who's had a hen to himself for about 6 months now. This game rooster seems like a pit bull and will fight the NH until he has no more fight and just runs off. However the game won't quit and chases the NH until he stops then tries to kill the NH by biting the comb, legs for arteries or the neck. He's looking for a kill and not just a win of dominance.

I suppose the only way to fix this is to put him in the freezer. Are they worth the effort of cleaning? I've eaten many pheasants over the years and never had any complaints. A game seems a little like a wild pheasant. Anyone tried a game rooster?
I would eat the New Hampshire and keep the game rooster

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