GAMES FOR EGGS and other fun prizes


10/01/2016  8:00 pm CST

PM the host or post on the thread if you want to play. 
Bingo cards will be available until start of game play, or until supplies run out. 

Each player will be provided two Bingo cards.  Each card contains 25 squares arranged in five vertical columns and five rows.  Each square in the grid contains a chicken related item or activity.  The host will post an item randomly selected approximately every 90 seconds. Timing will be adjusted if players post the host is going either too fast or too slow.  Players match the called items to their Bingo cards, marking off each square that is a match to the called items.  When a player has covered a vertical, horizontal or diagonal pattern of five grid spaces on their card, they have achieved a “Bingo” and won the game.  Post “BINGO!” on the thread to indicate you have won.  In the case of multiple  Bingos, only the FIRST player to post “BINGO!” can claim the prize.

After a player posts “BINGO”, the game will be suspended while the host verifies the winning card.  The player will be asked to post their card on the thread for all to see.

After the first game, we will take a short bathroom break before resuming play.

For the second game we will continue using the same cards as in the first game.  Players use both cards for both games.

Game #1 -“Bingo”. 
Be the first to cover five vertical, horizontal, or diagonal in a straight line.  Post “BINGO!” when you do!  Prize 6 Ayam Cemani eggs.
Shipping fee is $18.

Game #2 - “Black Out”. 
We will continue using the same cards already partially covered in game #1.  Be the first to cover all 25 squares on your card to win.  Prize is 12 Ayam Cemani eggs.
Shipping fee is $25.

You may only claim one prize.  If you win “Bingo” you cannot also win “Black Out”.

Current BST rules, apply : [COLOR=0066CC][/COLOR]
Please read all BYC rules as well as all thread and host rules before playing any game.
BST Rules:

Listings that don't follow these guidelines will be removed.  Members that don't adhere to the rules will be warned and possibly banned from the forum.

1.  BackYardChickens and the BYC Staff do not endorse items for BS[COLOR=000000]T and are not responsible for anything related to BS[COLOR=000000]T[/COLOR] transactions between the members.[/COLOR]
 7.  You must be at least 18 years old to participate in the BS[COLOR=000000]T/swaps sections of the site.  You can not swap or buy or sell or conduct any transaction in BS[COLOR=000000]T[/COLOR] or any part of the forum if you are under 18. This includes asking for and taking in free items or animals. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Thread Rules:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=FF0000]•  You must be at least 18 years old to accept a prize, offer a prize, or host a game.  If you are under 18 you must get your parent's consent to play, and you must alert both the host and cjwaldon prior to game play that you are a minor and are unable to accept any prizes if you win. 
[COLOR=FF0000]•  You must have been a member of BYC for at least six months with at least 250 posts, OR a member of BYC for at least one year if you have less than 250 posts.[/COLOR][/COLOR] This is a stricter requirement than BYC rules.
[COLOR=333333]•  Game specific rules and prize will be posted for each game.
[COLOR=FF0000]•  By playing, you agrees to pay a small fee if you win.  Fees will be posted for each game, typically $25[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]. [/COLOR] [COLOR=FF0000]Only the winner has to pay.[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]  Fees are used to cover postage and packing materials.  Playing is free.  You must be able to pay via Paypal to ensure speedy shipment of time sensitive hatching eggs.[/COLOR] [COLOR=FF0000]No e-Checks[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]allowed.[/COLOR][/COLOR]
• All adults are welcome to play.  You are not required to claim the prize or pay the fee.  You may donate your prize to another player or PM the host if you would like to discreetly forfeit the prize.  Once you win a game, you must sit out the next five games, even if you discretely forfeit or donate your prize to another player.  If you openly post in the thread that you are playing for fun and not accepting the prize, you may continue playing additional games.

•  Every attempt is made to offer only prizes that are available for immediate shipment.
[COLOR=333333]•  If a prize is unable to be awarded/shipped within a reasonable time, the fee will be refunded and the transaction will be considered complete.  Hosts please make every attempt to honor your commitments and ship prizes.

•  Winner must claim prize within a reasonable time, not to exceed a few hours. [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]"Claiming" a prize includes sending payment and shipping information.

•  Unclaimed prizes will be forfeited.  Winner may not carry over prizes for future ship date.
[COLOR=FF0000]•  Limit one prize per five game period.[/COLOR]  This is to allow others an opportunity to win.

•  Rules subject to change as needed.[/COLOR]

I'm totally in! I love bingo.
I was gonna donate to @bullets

So that's okay? And I don't have to sit out an extra 5 more games?

I just want to spread the cheer around and not have the same people getting the eggs most of the time, or have potential players feel like they don't have a chance to win so don't bother trying. Please verify with the person you are playing for each game if they can cover the shipping fee, and let everyone know who you are representing until you can play for yourself again.
I just want to spread the cheer around and not have the same people getting the eggs most of the time, or have potential players feel like they don't have a chance to win so don't bother trying.  Please verify with the person you are playing for each game if they can cover the shipping fee, and let everyone know who you are representing until you can play for yourself again.

Ok, I just verified with them, and they would love to pay for them.
I just want to spread the cheer around and not have the same people getting the eggs most of the time, or have potential players feel like they don't have a chance to win so don't bother trying. Please verify with the person you are playing for each game if they can cover the shipping fee, and let everyone know who you are representing until you can play for yourself again.
Since I don't have a printer, I can SS the cards and use it digitally, and then just take a SS of the thing for you? (assuming I win something. LOL)

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