

In the Brooder
7 Years
May 13, 2012
Please help. One week ago I rescued 6 battery hens hours before being loaded onto the trucks bound for slaughter. They are very badly bruised, but seem to be coming around to life outside a battery cage fairly well. Two have even ventured outside the coop today. One chicken has started throwing her head back and opening her mouth wide. Sometimes she gives a shake. I can't see anything in her throat and she is too terrified/traumatized for me to even try to pry her mouth open. Could something be stuck in her throat - they eat their own eggs or does it sound like gapeworm even though they have been so artificially confined? Please don't suggest killing/culling. Not an option for us. Thanks!
Hi veganloraine,

Welcome to the forum.

If it seems that the chicken is gasping for breath it could be gapeworm. Perhaps you could provide worming to your new hens that would include the type of worming that would kill any worms that are sucking the chickens blood (gape worm for example).

Are you in the UK? If you are, I think that 'flubenvent' is available there and if I recall correctly it is a broad spectrum wormer. Some other Eurozone people may be able to chip in. It is a product that we are not able to obtain in the USA. Good luck with your hens.
Thank you so much. We live in Canada. I will check the feed store Monday morning and see what they have to offer. Is there anything I should definately avoid purchasing?

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