Gaping and extending neck.


He's not doing so well at the moment. The gaping and extended neck situation is a lot better, but he got so wobbly on his feet, he is spending most of his time sitting down.

I have read that crushing up vitamin B tablets into food might help him a long so that's what I am doing at the moment. He is eating some mince, dried meal worms which he is knocking back and also drinking well. Obviously if it's Marek's, he won't stand a chance, so I am hoping he doesn't have that. Doing my best for the little man....
No real diagnosis unfortunately Kelsie. I wormed him and he's been on antibiotics. He is losing weight and I am doing my best to feed him as much as I can. He knocked back some scrambled egg earlier and he is drinking.

He's separated from the others inside now, and not moving much. Left leg very much extended when he is sitting down. Gave him a bathe in epsom salts and afterwards some mild soap as he keeps defecating and sitting in it, so smells nice and fresh now.

I am not holding out much hope, but he doesn't seem to be in pain, just can't move much. If he deteriorates I am going to have to deal with what we all dread having to do. He might pull through but doubtful.

I want to keep updating this thread and stay consistent. I have noticed that the research I have done on many threads are just left open-ended and there seems to be no end result/conclusion, so exuse me if I end up 'replying' to my own posts!

May help someone else in the future...
You're best chance of keeping him alive is tube feeding him 30ml per kg every 6-8 hours. It won't cure him, but it might buy him enough time to recover if it's something he can recover from. To quote my vet "it's not usually the disease that kills them, it's dehydration and starvation".

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Thanks for the updates, even if they aren't good ones. Am pulling for the little guy, they do have a lot of spunk and he does seem to be fighting. Have you tried the tube feeding or is he still eating/drinking enough on his own?
I'm almost at the end of my tether. Not sure how much longer I can keep him alive without thinking he might be in too much stress/pain.

Current symptoms: Gaping, extending neck, can't use his legs to support himself and now pretty much lying down.

I took him to a vet specialising in poultry. I took a stool sample and she looked at it under the microscope and found that he had coccidiosis. She gave me a drug called Baycox for that and also something called Hydrodoxx for his gasping. He didn't like the journey much (only 6 miles) and when he arrived he was just lying down, although seemed to perk up a bit when he was moved when at the vet's.

He is eating fairly well and drinking, but I'm not holding out much hope. I know I've done absolutely everything I can for the little man, and if he doesn't make any progress 8 hours from now, I am going to give him the chop. Hate to do it, but for the sake of the most probable discomfort he's going though, it's the humane way I think.

So that's my update thus far. I will repost in 8 hours or so with the conclusion. However rubbish the outcome....
Sorry you are being faced with this decision as the little buy continues to decline. Did the vet think he think he had Mareks and the coccidia was an outbreak from stress? Sounds like the vet is going with the shotgun approach with the Hydrodoxx/doxycycline and Baycox.
Well...slightly earlier update than announced...

He seems to be doing better, just gave him some scrambled egg with sweetcorn and meal worms, and his appetite was quite veracious. Much more alert, although still gaping and not moving his legs. I might leave it a bit longer and see if the drugs that have been administered make any difference.

Here he is as of now, in a little sling with a towel on top eating away:

I hate failing at anything, although my thoughts are well-balanced in terms of whether to cull or not if he doesn't get any better.
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Better update than I was expecting. Keeping fingers crossed. If a lot of his weakness is due to the coccidia, adult birds especially do seem to perk up pretty fast with meds from what people say, know with chicks it can be quick . Hopefully his paralysis is just transient. Good Luck.

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