Garden updates.....let's hear yours!

We are harvesting yellow squash, romain lettuce, curly leaf lettuce, cucumbers, several peppers, green and purple cabbages and sweet peas. The sugar snaps, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, okra, celery, artichokes, melons etc are coming along. I have just done some seeds for fall - spinach, collards and turnips and put in 30 sweet potato plants. This years garden is the best ever for me here in Virginia.
congrats on having the best year............wahhhh I am so jealous...........
Wow, reading about everyone and their harvests make me jealous to live somewhere with a longer growing season. I just started getting peas and my yellow squash are about 1 inch long, but my garden does look beautiful so i know it is doing well. have not seen a lot of bees thogh and supposedly colony collapse hasn't been reported in MA? I have rosemary oregano, peas squash cukes yellow and grean beans, onions, corn, brussel sprouts 3 kinds of lettuce,beets,cabbage, 5 kinds of tomatos, celery, parsely, basil, pumkins,kale, 2 kinds of bell peppers and garlic, I think that is everything. I have had to keep an eagle eye on the girls as they like to fly from the stone wall to the fence and into the garden. Naughty. Erin M.
Well, we picked lettuce awhile back and now it is gone. I had enough sweet onions to supply an army and they are all being dried. Carrots are almost all finished, cabbage is fixin to get picked. My 'maters are getting picked as they are ready and my peppers are too. Not ready: corn (about 2 foot tall now), cukes, zuccuni, squash, okra and watermellon. My border collie killed my blueberry bush. I have been sending 'maters that don't look real pretty to the chickens and they love them.
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I don't have much to harvest yet up here. I do have enough lettus for a nice salad with our dinner tonight. Got a bunch of kale too. Can't wait for the patty pan squash to mature!!! After a few years of trying to have any kind of garden at all that the deer don't tear apart, I have found my answer!! Square Foot Gardening!!! I have a line of 5 4x4 boxes side by side (16 squares/crops per box). When I wrap a fence around it, the deer don't get into it. I think it is such a narrow area it fends them off. I read somewhere they can jump high, but not high and wide at the same time. So I stick plant stakes in the four corners of each box and tie yellow caution tape on each stick to wave around in the breeze and I have not had any deer problems for 2 summers now (in my vegtable garden any way!!). I highly recomend the square foot method of gardening. It is a great way to get started. I was growing things 3-4 weeks earilier than my neighbor, since I did not have to wait for the ground to thaw and dry to plow. I just turned over the soft "potting" type soil the book recomends and put in my seeds. (I think the neighbor was a bit jealous that my garden was well on its way to beauty while he had yet to plant anything!!)
Iceburg lettuce is 95% water with very little real nutritional value to it. That is why I don't even try to grow it. Head lettuce can be a bugger bear to grow anyway. You get more for your planting efforts by planting leaf lettuces. This is the first time I tried romain and it suprised me with its growing success.

My first year in Va in a townhouse in Metro DC I grew a tiny garden mostly in pots and it was a great success. This year is the first time everything is growing as it should here in the country. So far no rabbits and no groundhogs have bothered to come near it. LOL
I always try to outsmart Mother Nature by planting early, but the plants know! Even the cool weather ones like snow peas and leaf lettuce just sit and sulk until the soil temperature reaches what THEY like.

The only thing I've harvested so far is five snow pea pods. Not exactly a feast. I would love to have a longer growing season, like some of you guys.

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