Gardening Apps


Feb 29, 2020
Central Arkansas
I posted this in another thread but am moving it to its own topic. I have been looking for a good gardening app, but can't seem to find anything that is worthy. Of course, everyone has different needs and things that they would WANT in a gardening app. From the apps I've seen on Google play store, most simply educate you about a particular plant. Some have planting schedule info by zone. Some have details about common pests. I think these are good pieces of information, but if I were to design a garden's what I would LOVE to see in it:

1. Plant Details (categorized by house plants, trees, flowers, vegetables, and herbs)
2. Planting schedules by zone (if applicable)
3. Common pest information by plant
4. Plant Diary - track growth details, fertilization schedule, watering schedule, expected harvest date based upon user entry or a general default, etc...
5. Alarms & Notifications - pop up notifications on my phone when it is time to do any particular action that I set (fertilize, water, repot, spray for pests, whatever....)
6. Weather integration - I would like to be able to integrate my local weather data. If it rains more than half inch (or whatever amount I determine), I would like the app to "recalculate" my watering alarms/notifications and move them out accordingly. I would also like a heads up notification if the weather will dip low enough for potential frost so I can cover any at-risk plants.

What else might be handy to have in a gardening app? I thought about writing my own app last year but never got around to it. Now that spring is rolling around again, I'm thinking about it again.....unless someone can suggest a good app that does these things. I don't care if there is a cost as long as it isn't outrageous.
So for me just sharing what I use is I have an app that helps me as a virtual garden planter. So basically it gives me a grid I can put in the size of the garden(s) and locations. Then it has all the veggies/fruits you can think of. You drag them in to get a visual representation of the garden and if it say needs 2ft of space it'll put it in a 2ft of space rather than just letting you put whatever and having to know the space on your own. It also would give a planting recommendation by zone so you knew when to plant (inside/outside) and how long roughly to harvest.

I want to say it also would give alerts if you were planting things that shouldn't go together. I can't remember for sure I haven't used it in a while.

It was called GrowVeg

I really liked that it worked for the phone AND the computer. I have a big garden so I used the computer to put it in easier but then the app for more every day type use
I wish there was an app where you could enter your growing zone and it would alert you when there's going to be frost & heavy storms/ wind and when to plant certain crops. Because I need reminders for everything LOL

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