Gardening with the girls


In the Brooder
Apr 10, 2016
Lowgap NC
I have 6 bsl there coop is about 50 ft from our garden I let them free range some while we at home but they only 7 weeks old right now will I have a problem with them eating the greens in the garden later on ?
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That's what I'm worried about they may like the green beans salid broccoli cabbage etc etc I may have to fence it off
You might find this thread in the sister gardening forum interesting reading. It should be called “gardening in spite of chickens”. You don’t have to join to read it but new people are always welcome.

There is a real good chance you will need to build a fence around your garden to keep the chickens out. If you mulch (and I strongly suggest you do), they love scratching the mulch all over, searching for creepy crawlies. They like to dust bathe in bare dirt. They like to scratch in freshly worked dirt. They can do as much damage scratching as eating. They really like tender sprouting stuff. Some greens are still pretty irresistible when older. A ripe tomato needs to be pecked. Peppers and other things are really tempting.

You can always try it but I’d be thinking how you can quickly build a cheap fence to keep them out. I think you will need it. I’d even build it before they learn where all the goodies are.

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