Gasping for breath, can't see anything else wrong ** RIP Florin :( **


8 Years
May 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Florin is gasping for breath and I can't see what's wrong with her and have no idea what to do. I'm uploading a video as I type this, but am off to the doc myself shortly (fell down the stairs yesterday and think I have a fractured foot) so I might not have time to put up a link until I get back.

Her comb and wattles are still nice and red.
Her nose and eyes look clear.
Her vent looks OK.
I haven't seen her poop this morning, but she's inside quarantined until I know what's happening so will no doubt find out soon.
Yesterday she was fine: ate, drank, laid an egg.
She has a few lice, but was treated a few days ago.
I lay her on her side a little so I could examine her and she's just stayed there, gasping.

It's horrible to listen to and distressing, and and don't know what to do.

Can anyone help?
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Hi most likely it is a gapeworm. please check youtube and website to see the symptoms. i am about to treat my hens and chicks too with Avitrol Plus.
Here;'s the link:

got a vet appt for her in 3 hours, and they said if she deteriorates severely in the meantime then I can bring her in to ease her passing.

She's done very runny poo, and hardly touched her water.
I've also been able to have a really good look down her throat and can't see anything out of the ordinary there. One of my other girls has been gaping since September despite being treated for gapeworm, so I'm now wondering if it's related, although Tuppence has never looked ill, she just pants a lot and moreso in the heat.

(Just got back from the docs, and my foot is indeed fractured! Go figure!)
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I asked the vet if I could send my partner out to pick up some antibiotics and they flat out refused (it's illegal here for any vet or doc to give AB's without seeing the "patient" in person) so I have to wait until 3pm (another 2 1/2 hours).

She's moving around OK, has drunk a little water, eaten a little oatmeal, and done a normal looking poop. Still gasping something awful though
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I'm so sorry you and your girl are going through this and I hope she makes it through the night. If she does have gape worms, the rest of your flock is at risk as well. Some folks say you can take a q-tip and swab her trachea to see if you get any red worms or red staining, but you gotta make sure to swab the trachea and not the esophagus. I can't imagine how hard it is to watch her like that. I'll be looking for an update tomorrow. Even if it's bad news....

Thinking of y'all....
I feel so helpless, but also very happy to have found BYC when I did and done all the reading of threads over the last few months so at least I'm not *totally* in the dark and knew enough to bring her inside, keep her cool, quiet and hydrated until we figure it out.

I'm also really annoyed that I can't just put her in the car and head to the vet immediately, but I'm now on crutches, not able to drive, and have the two kidlets to wrangle so I have to wait until my partner is able to drive me.
Well, for a vet who doesn't usually see chickens I think she did really well.

Florin has been given an antibiotic shot (Baytril) to get her started, and a weeks worth of oral dose of the same. She had a very high temperature, lots of difficullty breathing both inwards and outwards, and was lighter than usual at only 2.2kg. We have to keep her inside for a while and the next 48 hours will be crucial... if she makes it past those it's a good sign.

The only thing I wasn't happy with is that despite saying it's an infection, the vet refused to give me extra doses to treat the other girls because as yet they aren't showing symptoms. Whether an infection is bacterial or viral, I would think the fact that they all sleep at night in the same small space means it's only a matter of time before they catch it as well?

The vet was worried, but hopeful that Florin will pull through and asked if we could please call her tomorrow to give her an update.

Keep your fingers crossed for us!

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