Gate to stop chickens but NOT dogs?

Billy Hill

6 Years
Jul 16, 2013
Rural San Diego
I free-range my chickens and they like to get on my back deck. I don't want them there because, well, pewp on deck! Dog doesn't pewp on the deck so he's allowed on.

Is there a gate design that auto-closes both directions (spring loaded) but can be pushed with a dog's snout or a toddler's hand to open it?

If I could even find something that was spring loaded on both sides I could add magnets to hold it "closed" enough to dupe the chickens into not going through it but for the life of me I can't find something that works. (prolly my lack of "internet search term" skills).

Thanks in advance!
The double acting hinges might be the best idea. Two or three hinges per side would probably be enough to keep the birds out and let the dog in. I can make some doors to hang on them out of just about anything. Thanks for the tip.

I've got one of those nets going into the house and dog ripped it so bad he gets his head stuck in it trying to get out or in (cant help but LOL at the look on his face).

The concept is real nice but I live where the temps can swing 40 deg in a day and mine has only lasted a year and it's already weather (and dog) worn.
Do you have any pictures of the area? The chickens would be able to jump/fly over anything that is less then 7 feet or so off the ground. I have a 6 foot fence around my garden. If they want in they get in, I pen them in there as a quarantine area when I get new pullets I have to clip their wings to keep them in.
Do you have any pictures of the area? The chickens would be able to jump/fly over anything that is less then 7 feet or so off the ground. I have a 6 foot fence around my garden. If they want in they get in, I pen them in there as a quarantine area when I get new pullets I have to clip their wings to keep them in.
Enh. YMMV. Most of my laying hens are pretty sedate, and unwilling to exert the effort to go more than a couple feet up. Especially not for a porch, which has no food or dust-bathing area. A 3.5 ft fence deters my parents' flock from their garden.

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