Geese and electric fence?


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
Western ny
I need to put the geese out in the pasture with the goats. Is it safe? I have a 4 wire electric fence, the charger is rated at 6 joules, with alternating current. Will this kill the geese if they touch it? I really need to get them out there but don't want to kill them. The lines are spaced 8" 16" 26" and 38"
Feathers are good electrical insulation, but geese like to touch things with their mouth which is wet and close to their brains, I wouldn't risk it unless you have the type of charger that sends pulses of current through the hot wire. With the new type of charger that has constant current the muscles freeze up and they can't let go and their brains fry while they hang there.~gd
This charger sends a pulse every second. There is no way I could ever buy that other type I have kids and I think those are dangerous. If u are quick enough you can touch my fence without getting zapped.

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