Geese for Newbies

Yeah I will defiantly let them bathe and have a proper swim.
Thank you very much for all your wonderful help
. I'll be sure to come back here if I need anymore help hahah.
28!!!! That's like having 50 You are a real Goose enthusiast then hahah.
More information from @livininbrazil:

Niacin is Vit B3. If I can get it in Brazil, I´m sure it´s available in Australia. I use Brewer´s Yeast because it has niacin in it, and some other good things too. Geese need grass. It´s their natural food and they´re best designed for it. they love other things, and that´s fine, but not by leaving out the grass if at all possible. They also LOVE chick crumb (nonmedicated is fine, except it lacks enough niacin), so if you feed a lot of that, they won´t be getting what they really need. And why spend more than you have to? Grass is harder work for them, but it´s good for their digestion and it keeps them busy. by keeping the babies on grazing, I´ve never had trouble with them 'grazing' each other. And a day or 2 days old, yes, in a warm spot for half-an-hour or so, or at a few days old, even all day, depending on the temperatures you´re getting. Mine are happy for ages wandering about in the sunshine, whether they´re with their mom, or whether I´m hand-raising them. After a while, depending on the temperature, mum will snuggle them up for a good warm-up, and you can do the same thing. After a little while, she´s back out there with them grazing. you can do the same thing. Or, fix up some kind of heat-lamp in a run on the grass, so they can get the heat when they want, and graze when they want. choice is yours, but grass is important for them. And not long grass, has to be short. They also love lettuce. On these threads a lot of folks feed them romaine lettuce. i´ve not found it here, but it has a good level of niacin in it. i feed mine normal lettuce, but then they do have a little Brewers Yeast in their water or feed....

Do day old geese not need a heat lamp, brooder etc?

They need about 35ºC for the first 5 days to a week, then each week bring it down, but they don´t need this temperature constantly. Actually, you´ll find that they try to get out of the heat, so they need a place where it´s a lot cooler, too.
Also, I know that marmite, which is like vegemite, has VitB12 in it. Not the same thing. So check the vegemite to see if it has niacin in it. I hope this helps, and sorry if I´ve repeated anything that someone else has already said. Most likely they have.
WOW! I just don't understand how people maintain that many birds.
What happens if they all get mites? That must be horrible having to dust them all etc.
No, the geese rarely get any problem, but if the chickens get anything, I put some dry sand into a tray, mix it with the flea powder, and leave them to enjoy themselves. If it´s a heavy infestation, i have to dust them, but that´s only happened once. anyway, it´s an excuse to handle the birds. You can check their general health, too. It´s good to do from time to time.
You make it sound so
My flock never dust's where I'd like them to. They also hate DE so if I put it down in their dusting are they just hope up and move to a new one.
That adds to my excitement, so do Geese not get lice and mites?
It´s not that they don´t. There´s a thread going at the moment where a gander is having a bad time with lice. But it´s unusual if they´re well. Chickens are far more inclined.
Well I am so amazed that I have come in to this thread because my local animal control called me this afternoon that someone reported a goose at the lake and they had picked it up because it had a broke wing and would not let people out of their car. So they brought him to me because they simply had no where to keep him. Well his wing is not broken just a few feathers out of place and he has certainly been someone's pet. I have a small pen and coop area which I house sick or new birds so he is in for the night with 2 other rescue ducks that they brought to me a few months ago. I am sure that the feathers will either fall out at molt do they molt? or they can be trimmed back. But my main concern is what do with him. He appears to be a Brown Chinese and he seems to shake a lot. He also dunks his head all the time in time in the kiddie pool. Is this normal? He has nipped at me but just the pants but prefers to rub his head on my legs. He lets me pick him up and stroke him. He is really very sweet but so very big and very very loud.
Well I am so amazed that I have come in to this thread because my local animal control called me this afternoon that someone reported a goose at the lake and they had picked it up because it had a broke wing and would not let people out of their car. So they brought him to me because they simply had no where to keep him. Well his wing is not broken just a few feathers out of place and he has certainly been someone's pet. I have a small pen and coop area which I house sick or new birds so he is in for the night with 2 other rescue ducks that they brought to me a few months ago. I am sure that the feathers will either fall out at molt do they molt? or they can be trimmed back. But my main concern is what do with him. He appears to be a Brown Chinese and he seems to shake a lot. He also dunks his head all the time in time in the kiddie pool. Is this normal? He has nipped at me but just the pants but prefers to rub his head on my legs. He lets me pick him up and stroke him. He is really very sweet but so very big and very very loud.

That is very kind of you to take him in
. As you have probably read I am only new to Geese myself ( don't even have Geese ), but good luck with him/ her.
I would love to see some pictures if you have any?
I work at a resort in Florida and last week 2 geese and a white duck showed up. They are not afraid of people at all and let me hand feed them. I've figured out that one is a Chinese and the other is a Greylag. Now the Greylag will let me pet her and will lightly nip at me, rub her head on my legs and climb onto my lap. I'm taking it that these were someone's pets but I can't figure out where they came from. I've never seen them fly, the three just waddle along together. They've picked a favorite spot now and never leave it. I've been feeding them bread but I don't know what they're supposed to be eating. Any insights?

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