Geese standing on each others backs - Is this normal?


5 Years
Feb 19, 2019
New Jersey
Why are my geese standing on each other backs? I have 10 geese, 3 toulouse females and 1 gander, 3 Embden geese and 3 ganders (I think, I was given 3 extra geese by accident so I'm guestimating based on behavior). I think we have two Embden pairs, a Toulouse pair, and a crossed pair which is exactly what we wanted with 2 females yet unclaimed. However, I have seen an embden female stand on a Toulouse female and yank her neck hard while she just sat on the ground, then our Toulouse gander comes over and successfully mates the embden that was I initally on top (even though I have seen him mate with a Toulouse goose(likely the same one here) then he stands on both their backs for awhile while both sit. They all seemed to be pulling at each others necks. He then tries to mate the Toulouse and she gets up and goes away. It all looked like a friggin orgy LOL. I have seen one of our embden ganders standing on two goose backs as well. Is this a trio pairing up? The next day it looked like the Toulouse gander was back with the Toulouse goose lol. I can't keep up. They arent even a year yet and they are laying and mating. I'm thinking of not separating them (except the biggest embden that the others pick on and his mate) and doing communal breeding if the pairs stay together but I need to make sure we have the right pairing. Will the ganders claim more than on goose?
Breeding season with geese can be crazy. Females will sometimes mount Females, Males will sometimes mount males. Give them some time and they might pick there favorite. Depending on the breed Ganders will breed with multiple females.

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