Gender and Breed Quiz (For learning purposes!)

So, I lost one from the current feather out-pen when they were about 2 weeks old--so fast forward, I still have no idea what I have in my pen.

4 St. Run Australorps and 2 Jersey Giants pullets OR 5 St. Run Australorps and 1 Jersey Giant pullet

These are the pullet candidates--and I won't know if we're right until the Australorps stop growing.




The boys


I didn't post the known JG--double White legbands. Her eyes are a totally different color, yellow skin, black legs and large tail--having a hard time figuring out double orange and no legbands.... I'll have to try and catch double white for pictures after work.
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I've read that if you look at their foot pads you'll find that the Australorps have white pads and the Jersey Giants have yellow.
How do we recognize olive eggers?

Olive eggers are not a real breed, they are a hybrid between a chocolate layer and a blue layer, producing a bird that lays olive colored eggs. They are extremely hard to identify, especially as chicks. This is because they have no specific standard to recognize them by, so you have to take a guess. And, really, you never know for sure until they start laying. I think for this thread, none of us are experts, so we should stick to purebred birds.

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