Gender help! 8 week old Ameraucanas/EE/Heinz 57s


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Hi, everyone! We got six chicks today. I suspect at least two are roos but I can't be sure. They are supposed to be Ameraucanas but when I got to the farm I realized they might be anything. No big deal, we just wanted pretty colored eggs. Any ideas as to whether these little peeps are guys or ladies?
Number 1



Number 2



Number 3


Thankfully,they will let me trade a couple in. Is it the size and color of the combs that tipped y'all off? Any other tips for picking ladies when I go back next week? They had so many different breeds I wasn't sure what I was looking for, haha.

Thanks, your help is so appreciated!
If they are about 8 weeks of age I think #4 is your only pullet.
At 8ish weeks, there should be pretty much no visible comb on a pullet. Spend some time cruising here, looking at the pics of birds of different ages. You want no comb, thin legs, and no flashy coloring like patches of red on the body. I'd also say pass on the "friendliest" birds, they're often cockerels that humans see as friendly but they're actually being assertive.
At 8ish weeks, there should be pretty much no visible comb on a pullet. Spend some time cruising here, looking at the pics of birds of different ages. You want no comb, thin legs, and no flashy coloring like patches of red on the body. I'd also say pass on the "friendliest" birds, they're often cockerels that humans see as friendly but they're actually being assertive. 

Thanks so much! First, the gray one (#1) was really "sweet" and "docile." Little did i know, he was buttering me up! Treachery!!

Second, I feel like I've done so much research I might be a little confused. Your explanation will make my next trip much easier. The place we bought them was a farm where the chickens free range. Everyone looked happy and healthy. While the owners were nice, I'm not sure if they are new to chickens, or just want to get rid of future Roos. She told me I had all pullets.

We bought four hens back in march and they were so great. They weren't lap-birds, but they were docile and healthy. Over the weekend, tragedy struck and we lost all four. Now I'm wishing I had a professional chicken buddy to help me pick out new ones!

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