Gender Help Needed

If its not a rooster I sure hope its a hen.
I'm not aware of a third option, so it should be one or the other
Which one, the first picture? I think the first two are the same one. All others are different.
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What makes you think roosters?
First three birds: Have large, red comb and wattles, which most rose combed hens don't get until they are older than these appear to be. They also show short tails (indicative of slow feathering), which is a cockerel trait, and rather thick legs. Their general gangly/gawky appearance is also consistent with that of a cockerel.

Fourth bird: The photo is too far away for me to tell. It appears to have a smaller comb than the others, which makes me say hen for now. However, it could very well be a cockerel.

Sixth bird: This is one I'm not 100% sure on. The comb/wattles say rooster, but I can't see enough of it to know the general body shape/feathering.

Seventh bird: I think I see longer, pointed sickle feathers in the tail, and it has a gawky cockerel appearance.

Last bird: Definitely a rooster. Large/red comb and wattles; thin, pointed hackle feathers, splotchy red coloring.

Knowing the age of these birds would probably help, but those are the reasons for my guesses.
First three birds: Have large, red comb and wattles, which most rose combed hens don't get until they are older than these appear to be. They also show short tails (indicative of slow feathering), which is a cockerel trait, and rather thick legs. Their general gangly/gawky appearance is also consistent with that of a cockerel.

Fourth bird: The photo is too far away for me to tell. It appears to have a smaller comb than the others, which makes me say hen for now. However, it could very well be a cockerel.

Sixth bird: This is one I'm not 100% sure on. The comb/wattles say rooster, but I can't see enough of it to know the general body shape/feathering.

Seventh bird: I think I see longer, pointed sickle feathers in the tail, and it has a gawky cockerel appearance.

Last bird: Definitely a rooster. Large/red comb and wattles; thin, pointed hackle feathers, splotchy red coloring.

Knowing the age of these birds would probably help, but those are the reasons for my guesses.

OK. I was looking for hackle and saddle feathers.

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