gender help


7 Years
Oct 10, 2012
What does everyone think
i'm not a real expert on chickens, i rescued these cuties a couple of weeks ago (i was told they were 3 month old hens lol!) i was told the black one is a golden laced wyandotte and the other 2 are araucanas, does that look right? i don't think ill be able to sex the grey one for a while but can anyone help with the other 2 or just the black one, thanks in advance
Yep, it a gold laced Wyandotte... Looks to be about 3 months, give or take a couple weeks..

And it also looks like its a pullet; no hackles or male characteristics that I can see :)

Oh and the white one does look like a pullet too... Not sure on breed, though. Can't quite see the blue one...
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thanks, i hope you're right hah :) i don't mind having roosters but my housemate would kill me lol, she might have to deal with them even if they are roosters though, i love the little critters
I agree the black one is a laced wyandotte, The white on is not an araucanas they are rumpless (no tail). I would say it is more likely an EE. As for the gray one I cannot see it well enough to id it.
great :) the grey one just looks like a smaller version of the white one so i'd say they are both EE, the black one and white one kind of stand up tall to eachother sometimes, which looks like rooster behavior, but i'm not sure if hens do that as well, haven't had chickens for a long time
not sure, id say maybe a month and a half or around that, i was told that all 3 were 3 months old but they were all different sizes when i got them

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