gender? *tons of pics*

They all look like pullets, but I think your "red" lace wyandotte might actually be a "golden" laced wyandotte. Here is a pic of my golden girl:


Audrey with sister Ruby

And at a younger age, my Ruby looked a lot like your girl:
thanks everyone! I am so glad...I bought them all so I would have 12 birds total and didn't want another roo, I'd have to kull one. So I am glad.
And yes, my mistake, she is a Golden laced, not red laced. I must be color blind
But I can still see that she's gorgeous.
Yeah Golden Laced pullet. I have one named Charlie....and I'd actually suspect that yours is closer in age to mine. I adopted April 10th. Maybe yours is just smaller?
Athena is actually the oldest of these chickas. She was at IFA at least a week earlier than the last week of March when I got them all. She used to tower over the others. I think it's either the picture or the fact that she's by a huge waterer, or that she's now smaller compared to the orps. Pictures taken at such a short distance sometimes make the picture distorted, like a little convex, so she looks smaller?

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