

7 Years
Feb 14, 2012
I have two african geese but Idk what they are gender I was wandering if I could maybe get help.
Those look more like Chinese geese than African geese. You may have one of each with regard to gender, but it's difficult to tell from the pictures. The knob on the males is quite a bit more prominent than on the females.
Usually they will lay at a year old but some occasionally miss and start in their second year. Most of ours have laid at a year and our yearling African laid her maiden egg yesterday.
It will be a year in October that I've had them.. but the lady I got them from raised them from goslings from ideal hatchery, which is where I got three of my ducks and a peahen...;)
They'll probably been hatched last Spring so keep an eye on their behaviour to see if there's any mating or nest building activites. If you've a pair then there's every possibility of breeding this year as they look in fine condition
Thanks there my first pair of geese... one of them is always grabbing the other one by its tail feathers a d wont let go till the other one swims fast enough to loose him..
Those look more like Chinese geese than African geese. You may have one of each with regard to gender, but it's difficult to tell from the pictures. The knob on the males is quite a bit more prominent than on the females.
They are defiantly Africans I have Chinese they have way longer necks. :)

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