Genders if able PIC HEAVY


7 Years
Jun 5, 2012
Manitoba, Canada
These are pictures of my bantam chicks; they are five weeks old and I mainly focused on the combs for them. I know all the breeds but one; if you can help, that's great. If not, I'll update with pictures in another week or two. I focused mostly on the combs, as they seem like the most distinctive gender identifier.

Chick #1 - Assumed Cornish Bantam. I think he's a roo based on how well-formed his comb is.

Chick #2 - Mille Fleur D'Uccle I think. I think it's a pullet.

Chick #3 - Mille Fleur D'Uccle I think. I think it's a roo based on how red the comb is.

Chick #4 - White Frizzle Bantam. I think it's a roo.

Chick #5 - Black-Tailed White Japanese Bantam.

Chick #6 - Old English Game Bantam. (Note to self; not marked)

Chick #7 - Golden Seabright. (note to self; marked)

Chick #8 - Golden Seabright.

Chick #9 - White Silkie Bantam.

Chick #10 - Old English Game Bantam.
the d'uccle are buff brahma's...side pics of them standing on their own would help need to get an idea of how they are feathering in and coloring...1,3,4,7,9 all look like cockerels...the frizzle is a white cochin
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d'uccle have straight combs...this is a mille d'uccle chick

That's definitely not what my babies looked like. I do have shots of the one I assumed to be a pullet from the side, but not standing. Shots of the neck feathers and feet of #2.

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I was rather suspicious; they are larger than the other bantams by a fair bit, and certainly heavier-built. I guess the hatchery made a mistake; though I can't complain. I find them quite pretty, and terribly fiesty. Haha. I'm a little unhappy at the number of roos I've seem to have gotten here, but what can one expect from straight-run chicks and only buying ten of them. Haha. Though...the comb on your Brahma seems different from the combs on mine. I don't know anything about the breed, so I really don't know what the standard for them is.
they should have a pea comb and they both look like pea combs...i would try contacting them and see what they say about the mix up

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