General chicken question


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2017
I'm new to chickens. I have HOA where I reside. HOA states domestic caged birds are allowed, but not "game birds". Are chickens considered "game birds"
Chickens should not be classified as game birds. Game birds are pheasants, turkey, quail to name a few.

The breed Modern Game Birds or Old English Game birds are also not "game birds" technically. Just fancy show chickens so you should be allowed to have those too.
Thank you! Now I just need to get my coop up and put my girls outside. So excited!
Barred Rock, red sex-link, ameraucana (but I've been told it's an EE) the feed store sold them as aneraucana. And a light brahma.
By "cage birds," your HOA means canaries, parakeets, finches etc. I don't know if they would include parrots because they are extremely loud. I'm afraid you will quickly discover they do not mean chickens.

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