???genetic defect???


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 13, 2009
green co.
Can ducks have the male curl (like a genetic defect)? Like a hen with spurs? (which isn't common but not unheard of).

I'm suppose to have a breeding pair of welsh harlequins but the duck has me pondering.
You might have a bad case of "I think so's" from the breeder.
Anybody ever hear of such a defect? I *have* heard that a duck can take on male plumage if an ovary loses its function...but I don't think that's genetic, more like an ovary just having a malfunction or defect. What I have heard is color though, don't know about the curly feathers.
Haven't seen that myself.
I do know that males can at times not have the curl. Our drake lost it's curl after a fight, though it did grow back. I have heard of a female taking on male colors when losing it's mate. (think that was peacocks though)
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I don't know. Anything is possible. I don't think I have ever seen that though. The differences between a male and female Welsh Harlequin should be obvious though. Do you have pictures?
Sorry, it took me so long to get back to the matter at hand. I'm pretty sure my "duck" is a Drake. Now I'm just not exactly sure what breed "HE" is? Any advice or suggestions would help. Here are Pics of HIM.





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Looks like my Metzer Welsh Harlequin drakes with extra white on the neck. I have a duck from the same shipment who I suspect would look like that if she were a drake, lots of white with barely any brown up top.

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