~*~Genetically High RP (Role Play)~*~Unlike Any Other! {Restart!}~*~

Name: Ivory White
Gender: F
Age/Year: almost 17; junior.
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: electric shocks (eel)
2: extremely good climber, so she can pretty much climb any rough surface, not smooth. (Monkey, lol. And no, she doesn't have fleas)
3: can pick things up over over 50 times her weight (ant)
4. Night vision (cat)
Personality: bright, witty, cheerful, curious, bad temper at times, hard to make mad, adventurous, daredevil, oddball, almost always barefoot (when she can), loves to read books, and likes nature.
History: has 11 brothers, and is the youngest of them all, and is the only girl in her family, besides her mom.
Crush: none yet :3
Girl/Boyfriend: none
Picture or Description: strawberry blond hair that goes down a little past her waist, Ivory skin, high cheek bones, light sprinkle of freckles on her nose and cheeks, bright, ember green eyes, slim, 5'9" tall.

Username: MollyBrownROX13
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Name: Ivory White
Gender: F
Age/Year: almost 17; junior.
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: electric shocks (eel)
2: extremely good climber, so she can pretty much climb any rough surface, not smooth. (Monkey, lol. And no, she doesn't have fleas)
3: can pick things up over 10 times her weight (ant)
4. Night vision (bat)
Personality: bright, witty, cheerful, curious, bad temper at times, hard to make mad, adventurous, daredevil, oddball, almost always barefoot (when she can), loves to read books, and likes nature.
History: has 11 brothers, and is the youngest of them all, and is the only girl in her family, besides her mom.
Crush: none yet :3
Girl/Boyfriend: none
Picture or Description: strawberry blond hair that goes down a little past her waist, Ivory skin, high cheek bones, light sprinkle of freckles on her nose and cheeks, bright, ember green eyes, slim, 5'9" tall.

Username: MollyBrownROX13
(Molly…Didn't I tell you last time that bats don't have night vision? ;) If I can change it to cat again, then in. Oh, and do you want me to add Julie to the member page?)
Name: Kiri-Lee Marron
Gender: Female
Age/Year: Junior
1: Echolocation (bats)
2: Extreme hearing (Owl)
3: Hyper Aware (cats owls basically any fighting animal...it's kinda like when some blind people know something is there but for Kyri it's multiplied by ten)
4: Can memorize and mimic any noise she hears (mocking bird)
Personality: Shy, cunning, mischievous. She doesn't open up to people much, but is usually kind to most. But she loves funny things and pranks...just kinda to shy to pull them off by her self...
Crush: none yet
Girl/Boyfriend: none yet
Picture or Description:

Other: She is blind but it isn't really all that noticeable at first. You have to really watch the subtle movements to realize what is wrong with her.
Username: Silverdragon
Name: Cherrylea(Cher) Leight
Age/Year: 16 (Sophomore)
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: Can lift really heavy loads with a single limb -Elephants
2: Can imitate any sound((maybe also flight??)) -lyrebird
3: Electrolocation(can sense electrical signals in creatures' muscles) -Platypus [and also bees]
4: Can sense the Earth's magnetic field as a 'compass' -Salmon
Personality: Enjoys having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways, relatively social and enjoys the company of others, good-natured, courteous, supportive, but can be a little crazy sometimes. Generally sees the cup as half-full, but can become very pessimistic and moody.
History: She lived a pretty normal life, with both a younger sister and an older brother. Then one day she had gotten a letter from Aquila High School, and she went there the next year.
Crush: none/ OPEN
Girl/Boyfriend: n/a
Picture or Description:

Other: Fudge
Username: Mantha8225

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