~*~Genetically High RP (Role Play)~*~Unlike Any Other! {Restart!}~*~

Kiri felt Jason waiting for her so he could be last in line so she followed Eve.

Jason brought up the rear, a smile still on his face. But if you looked closely, his eyes had lost their happy glint. They looked wary and dangerous as he kept an eye out for more of those creatures.
Kiri felt Jason waiting for her so he could be last in line so she followed Eve.

Jason brought up the rear, a smile still on his face. But if you looked closely, his eyes had lost their happy glint. They looked wary and dangerous as he kept an eye out for more of those creatures.
Gen turned easily down the sidewalk, "Bingo! CVS!"
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(So there's a town also? Cool)
Eve looked ahead to the store and smiled "Alright, so anything in particular, or just anything that might be useful?"
(LOL, look up Mount Desert Island, Maine."
"Cool! What?" Jason asked confused.
Kiri just kept walking, head down but listening intently for any hostile movement and her mouth slightly open sending out sound to feel her way.
Gen grinned, "Drugstore. There should be a hospital around too. Somewhere. Big island and all."

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