~*~Genetically High RP (Role Play)~*~Unlike Any Other! {Restart!}~*~

Kim hid her surprise when Garret asked her if she needed help. (She's good at hiding it. e.o i don't like it when people are like. Rper1: hid their feelings Rper2: saw right through them. :/) "Uh. Sure." she answered hesitantly. She then considered Noa's question, pausing for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "Well they seem to be a sort of lynx and lion hybrid... (Near the beginning of the fight.) and a few have wings that seem to look like eagle feathers. But i could be wrong about that" She said deliberately referring to being wrong about the eagle mix. Hoping she didn't sound like an idiot as she pulled another arrow out that was wedged in a little deeper; one of the killing shots she made. She was glad she didn't like barbed arrows, they would be hard to remove if she did.
"Wow, I wonder who made them, and why?" Garret said, reaching for an arrow.
Noa looked to Kim, watching her a moment "You got hurt, have you been to the infirmary yet?" (Eagle eyes)
Kim glanced at Noa. "It isn't bad, just a scratch." She answered truthfully. It wasn't the scratch that was concerning her, it was what was in it, but that could be looked at later.
(i just realized they haven't introduced themselves yet. Kim isn't good with introductions.
Kim: Why?
Me: Cause i said so.)
Noa nodded "Just be sure to get it looked at, there's no telling if these things have any kind of venom or not." She tilted her head a little "I know you, don't I. I'm Noa Reams, that's my brother Garret."
Garret looked over and waved with his hand full of arrows, then returned to gathering them.
(Sorry to keep you waiting, i'm trying to catch up on my subscriptions.)
Kim felt her face lift in a light smile as a quote from her favorite book popped into her mind. "'Names aren't important. I really can't remember' mine." She said adding the last word so it made sense in this context. She glanced at them with a smile to tell them she was joking and then added after a pause. "I'm Kim."
(Quote from Ranger's Apprentice book one (Just reread it don't judge) give me a sec and i can find the page.....)
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(Train, did Gertrude pm you my idea?)

(No, she has not sent me anything yet.... :pop )

(It's 11:30 here.)

"You do fine with girls!" Kat said. Jenna nodded, sticking her head around the end of the aisle she was in.

Dirk's face went red again as he heard Kat reply to what he had assumed were silent thoughts. He took a look out the back of the store and found a small cargo van parked behind the building. He tried opening the door and luckily it was unlocked. He looked around inside but didn't find anything of much use, though the van itself would definitely be helpful if they could get it started. He called out (both into the gun store and across the street towards the rest of the group) "Hey, does anyone know how to hotwire a vehicle? There's a van over here we could use to bring the supplies back!"

Meanwhile in the infimary, Connie suddenly began coughing up blood in large gurgling spurts. Her heart began beating rapidly and her mind struggled to break out of unconsciousness as she struggled to breath.

"Guys!" Cass yelled, "Someone get Ivory!"

Liam helped Connie sit up, as it's easier to get fluids out of the lungs when upright. He held a new cloth several inches from her mouth to collect the blood without inhibiting her breathing.
(Sorry to keep you waiting, i'm trying to catch up on my subscriptions.)
Kim felt her face lift in a light smile as a quote from her favorite book popped into her mind. "'Names aren't important. I really can't remember' mine." She said adding the last word so it made sense in this context. She glanced at them with a smile to tell them she was joking and then added after a pause. "I'm Kim."
(Quote from Ranger's Apprentice book one (Just reread it don't judge) give me a sec and i can find the page.....)
(It's alright, I have to do that all the time myself. Now I really want to read that too.)
Noa smiled "Book quote?" She asked and reached down to get an arrow
Garret muttered the name of the book as he pulled another arrow free.
(No, she has not sent me anything yet.... :pop )
Dirk's face went red again as he heard Kat reply to what he had assumed were silent thoughts. He took a look out the back of the store and found a small cargo van parked behind the building. He tried opening the door and luckily it was unlocked. He looked around inside but didn't find anything of much use, though the van itself would definitely be helpful if they could get it started. He called out (both into the gun store and across the street towards the rest of the group) "Hey, does anyone know how to hotwire a vehicle? There's a van over here we could use to bring the supplies back!"

Wes put his feet down when he got to where they were supposed to meet. "Yeah! How old is the van?" He shouted back to Dirk.
(It's alright, I have to do that all the time myself. Now I really want to read that too.)
Noa smiled "Book quote?" She asked and reached down to get an arrow
Garret muttered the name of the book as he pulled another arrow free.
(Wait... i might be misunderstanding this.... you haven't read the Ranger's Apprentice books and you want to? or you want to reread them? [I tend to over complicate things.])
Kim smiled a little wider. "Yes. i Can't get enough of that series, that's why i started practicing with my bow." She finished turning slightly red as she admitted it. "Can't wait for book 13." She said sheepishly. She stopped herself books tended to make her ramble slightly and her face reddened even more.
(Wait... i might be misunderstanding this.... you haven't read the Ranger's Apprentice books and you want to? or you want to reread them? [I tend to over complicate things.])
Kim smiled a little wider. "Yes. i Can't get enough of that series, that's why i started practicing with my bow." She finished turning slightly red as she admitted it. "Can't wait for book 13." She said sheepishly. She stopped herself books tended to make her ramble slightly and her face reddened even more.
(Have not read, want to)
Garret looked up, surprised "Wow, you heard me?"
Noa looked from one to the other, confused. Her hearing wasn't that good even with the tiger's hearing.

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