genetics question in call ducks....


7 Years
Mar 17, 2012
western North Carolina
for all you call duck experts:

i have a snowy drake and a bibbed hen = offspring?
i also have a snowy drake and a gray hen= offspring?

i know nothing about the recessiveness of their parents (what hidden genes are there) as i bought the eggs from ebay. hatched 2 snowy drakes and 1 gray hen and 1 bibbed hen (black with white bib)

Calls are very similar to Indian Runners in the large variety of colours and the resulting colour patterns when they are crossed. Its one of the things I really love about both breeds- but mentioned above- crossing these two with already diverse genetics could leave you with some very colourful babies- you could expect a number of different combination from each individual hatch.
i'm kinda hoping for some of the bibbed variety and a white or two. i dont mind the variety of colors.... i just dont want all of the offspring looking like "mallards"..... :)


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