Georgia Here Too !!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to chat! Here's what I found the Black Stars to look like. Just thought you, and anyone else, might be interested. I'm so excited to get the chicks!! Should be great starters for our family!
I'm going to shoot for 12 to 14 eggs, so hopefully we end up with at least 10 chicks. It will be fun to see how both the Roo's and hens turn out. One thing I am learning is that there are a bunch of attributes that you look for, not just the look. Things like disposition, good forager/free ranger, hardy layer (lay in winter), look/pretty bird, good with the other birds. Thanks for posting the Black star photo.

Our first Black Star, hatched tonight!! Thanks to JoshFig and his family! Wonderful people and very healthy & happy chickens!
I am a second grade teacher in Cobb county. I would like to purchase fertilized duck eggs to help teach life cycles to my second grade class. I am trying to find a company locally that I can purchase them from. Do you sell fertilized duck eggs for purchase? I used chicken eggs last year, and this year would like to use duck eggs this year.

Thank you. .
Greetings Georgia,
How many chickens do you have and do you live in a neighborhood? I'm interested to talk to people raising chickens who live in a residential area. If this includes you please respond.
Hello cinnamongrrl,
I see you have 5 chickens and are raising them in the Tucker, Georgia area. Are you raising them in a neighborhood or residential type area? I'm wishing to talk to someone who is raising chickens in such an environment. Please respond if you are. Thanks.

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