Geriatric hen with eye goo

Kelly FG

13 Years
Jan 13, 2007
I have an Easter Egger hen that is just shy of ten years old. She wakes up every morning with crusty eyes, I have to wash them so she can see. It's like when very elderly humans get watery eyes.
She's very frail ( but has been for almost two years) I think she has chicken dementia, she falls asleep in the middle of eating, sometimes forgets to go in the coop at night. She's a very sweet girl who still loves to snuggle and she always knows when it's time for cheese or corn.
Are there any remedies for this eye condition?
You could try some Terramycin Eye Ointment in her eyes for a week or so to see if it helps in case she has an infection. They are found in feed stores, and may be locked up, so you may need to ask for it. Other than that, I would use some human eye drops such as Systane that lubricate dry eyes. Don't use any like Visine that (gets the red out,) since those can cause more damage. You are fortunte that she has been with you for so long--she sounds like a sweetie.
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You are doing well by washing her eyes out every morning. Are you sure she has an infection? Does she have purulent drainage from her eyes? Or are they just crusty from tearing? The problem with the ointment is that it is going to blur her vision for awhile and if she is having problems with cognizant behavior (yes, she very well could have some sort of geriatric disorder similar to human dementia) the last thing you want to do is blur her vision so she cannot see what she is doing. It will only confuse and panic the poor dear.

If you use ointment in her eyes, instill them at night before you shut her up in her coop. That way she will not be distressed by having her vision blurred during the day and you can wash her eyes out to remove the ointment so she can see.

Bless you. You have taken excellent care of this little lady to have her last this long. I sincerely hope your remaining days with her are good ones.

retired ophalmic nurse/geriatric nurse
Good advice, thank you!!!
Genevieve is her name, she's from my original flock of 8 hens. I also have a buff Orpington that is the same age. They are great companions for each other. They love to eat, sleep, and they still talk to each other all day. My Buff Marguerite even layed a bunch of eggs this summer! The old ladies are the queens of my little farm, if they're not happy ain't nobody going to be happy! LOL
Now I've got 6 five month olds and my chicken adventure begins again! I can only hope this new flock lives as long!
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