Get them vaccinated or not?


10 Years
Jan 26, 2009
I've looked at hatcheries and am confused by the Marek's disease thing.
My Pet Chicken seems to recommend the vaccine but some other hatcheries like IDEAL seem to offer them but advocate against them.
All the info I found so far are about the disease itself.
Can somebody enlighten me about the pros and cons of the vax please?
Also are there 'natural' ways to decrease the chance of the birds to get this disease?
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If I hatch my own chickens I don't vaccinate them. If I order chicks from a hatchery then I do request that they be vaccinated.

Here's what I am referring to.
That's from Ideal Poultry.
Obviously you wouldn't want your pet chicken's peak cut off, etc. but I was wondering what the risks were in regards to Mareks Vax. Is it just not needed in small flocks? Is it a disease that's more triggered by stress and overcrowding?
Worst part is.. Its out dated. I have about 120 in the brooder shed.. That doesn't count the 80+ that are outside...
I don't personally have my chicks vaccinated, but I do feed them medicated Starter/Grower feed until they start laying at which time I switch over to straight Layer feed.
Feeding medicated chick starter won't do a thing with regards to Marek's.
Medicated chick starter aids in the prevention of and development of immunity to coccidiosis, which is a protozoan parasite. Some hatcheries offer the coccidiosis vaccine, in which case you wouldn't feed medicated chick starter.
I emailed Teri @ Ideal Poultry when I was trying to decide whether to vaccinate for Marek's or not. Based on my situation - no local outbreaks of Marek's and the fact that I intend to maintain a small, closed flock (meaning the only new chickens I get will come from my present birds), I decided against the vaccine.
You can check with your local county extension office to see how big of a problem Marek's has been in your area.
Edited for spelling.
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