getting aggrivated with my hens

If you are finding shells then you have an egg eater.
Sometimes they eat every last piece of shell and then its harder to tell if you have an egg eater unless you can find dried yolk on their beaks.
You can build those boxes where the eggs roll out into a catch tray so the chickens can't eat them but I have no idea how to do it. All of my nest boxes are brand new so I tried to break them of the habit but its hard.
They usually tell you that its impossible to completely break them of that habit and you need to get rid of them.
Its also a habit that they teach the other hens to do so you can't afford to waste any time pulling the egg eaters from the flock.
I tried hard to break them of it but once they learn it forget it.
I have also heard that alot of times it has nothing to do with what they are eating and they may not be deficient in anything its just that they are bored, but once they get a taste of egg forget it.
upper 70's during the day maybe low 80's but before the front came through it had been close to 90 but our weather here has been pittifulhotter than snot one day next day in the 70's then in the 50's at night to be honest that is what I think it is either that or the feed I am feeding them is no good

I've never tried to stop this problem myself, but I saw someone on here mention how they cured a hen of egg eating: take an egg, poke a hole in each end and blow the contents out. Fill it with dish soap, and cap the ends with wax. Put it back in the egg box (or wherever) and let someone get a nasty surprise. I think they only had one problem hen, though...

I get frustrated enough that I only get 2 eggs a day out of my 4 adult hens. I can't imagine 11 out of 70+!
You said they act like they are starving. Do they have feed available at all times? If not you should. If you do and they still act like they are starving then I would worm them.

You also said that you were going to give them some more oyster shell. Do you have that available at all times also?

Could you have rats or snakes stealing the eggs? Maybe a neighbor helping himself to eggs when you aren't home?
they have feed and oystershell available to them at all times we have hanging feedersin each pen. we are worming tomorrow. they also have fresh water available constantly. no its not rats, they just aren't laying

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